Sains Malaysiana 48(5)(2019): 937–944
Effects of Silver Nanoparticle Exposure
on Germination and Early Growth of Pinus
sylvestris and Alnus
(Kesan Pendedahan Nanozarah Perak kepada Percambahan dan Pertumbuhan Awal Pinus sylvestris dan Alnus subcordata)
1Department of Wood
Sciences Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2M.Sc. Department
of Soil Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
3Soil and Water
Research Institute, Karaj, Iran
Diserahkan: 9 Jun 2018/Diterima: 12 Mac 2019
The possible ecological toxicity
of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) was evaluated
based on germination and growth characteristics of Pinus sylvestris and Alnus
subcordata. Seeds were exposed to
different concentrations of AgNP in
soil (0, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 100 mg/kg) and aqueous suspension
(0, 10 and 20 mg/L). Then, seed germination percentage (GP%), speed of germination (S.G), seedling length (SL),
as well as fresh and dry weights (FW and DW)
were measured. The results showed that low concentration of AgNP
(under 80 mg/kg) could be used without detrimental effects on
the germination characteristics of P. sylvestris
in the soil. Nevertheless, inhibitory effect of AgNP
was observed at 10 mg/L for P. sylvestris
in aqueous suspension. The dissimilar results in soil and aqueous
suspension were due to the organic matters and clay minerals in
the soil. There was no significant difference (p<0.01)
among the treatments of A. subcordata, not only in soil but also in the aqueous suspension.
Keywords: Aqueous suspension;
inhibitory effect; seed germination; silver nanoparticles; soil;
woody plants
Ketoksikan ekologi nanozarah
perak (AgNP)
dinilai berdasarkan ciri-ciri percambahan dan pertumbuhan Pinus sylvestris dan
Alnus subcordata. Benih
didedahkan kepada kepekatan berbeza AgNP dalam tanah
(0, 10, 20, 40, 80 dan 100 mg/kg) dan
gantungan akues
(0, 10 dan 20 mg/L). Kemudian,
peratusan percambahan
biji benih (GP%),
kelajuan percambahan
(S.G), panjang semaian
serta berat
kering dan segar
dan DW)
diukur. Hasil kajian menunjukkan
bahawa kepekatan
rendah AgNP (di bawah 80 mg/kg) boleh digunakan tanpa kesan-kesan yang memudaratkan terhadap ciri-ciri percambahan P. sylvestris dalam tanah. Walau bagaimanapun, kesan
rencatan AgNP
diperhatikan pada 10 mg/L bagi P. sylvestris
pada penggantungan
akues. Keputusan yang berbeza dalam
tanah dan
penggantungan akues adalah disebabkan oleh bahan organik
dan mineral tanah
liat dalam tanah.
perbezaan yang signifikan (p<0.01) bagi rawatan A. subcordata, di dalam tanah mahupun di dalam penggantungan akues.
Kata kunci: Kesan
rencatan; penggantungan
akues; percambahan benih; nanozarah perak; tanah; tumbuhan
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