Sains Malaysiana
49(3)(2020): 635-642
DNA Methylation Analysis of AKT1 Promoter and HTR2A Exon-I of Malaysian Schizophrenia Multiplex Families with Lower Cognitive Performance
(Analisis Metilasi DNA Promoter AKT1 dan Exon-I HTR2A pada Keluarga Skizofrenia di Malaysia
dengan Prestasi Kognitif Rendah)
1Lee Kong Chian, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Universiti Tunku
Abdul Rahman, Jalan Sungai Long, Bandar
Sungai Long, Cheras 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
2Lee Kong Chian, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Mechatronics
and Biomedical Engineering, Universiti
Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Sungai
Long, Bandar Sungai Long, Cheras 43000
Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
3Faculty of Medicine, University
of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
4Institute of Biological
Sciences, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory,
5Jalan Persiaran Kempas Baru, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia
Diserahkan: 2 Oktober
2018/Diterima: 6 Mac 2019
Dysfunction of cognitive performance
in schizophrenia has been associated with aberrant alteration of
DNA methylation of several schizophrenia-risk genes. AKT1 and
HTR2A are among the candidate genes for schizophrenia. Their
expressions were found reduced in schizophrenia patients. Thus,
we aimed to study the methylation status of AKT1 promoter
and HTR2A exon-I in Malaysian
schizophrenia patients and their affected family members. In this
study, each participant was required to perform Trail Making Test
(TMT) part A and B to measure their cognitive performance. Genomic
DNA extracted from the peripheral blood of 12 Malaysian schizophrenia
families and 12 controls families, was subjected to bisulfite conversion.
The methylation status of CpG sites of AKT1 promoter at Chr14: 104796054 and
HTR2A exon-I at Chr13: 46896918
were identified using methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP). Our results
showed that schizophrenia patients performed worse in both TMT-A
and B (p<0.0001) than healthy controls. The patients also displayed
significantly (p=0.023) high level of methylation in AKT1 promoter compared to
controls. Meanwhile, no significant difference (p=0.248) in methylation
status was observed in HTR2A exon-I
between schizophrenia and control groups. Therefore, methylation
of AKT1 promoter in peripheral bloods of patients may involve
in cognitive impairment and schizophrenia pathology. In addition,
we were able to demonstrate the heritability of DNA methylation
status across family members.
Keywords: Cognitive performance;
DNA methylation; schizophrenia; Trail-Making Test
Disfungsi prestasi kognitif dalam skizofrenia telah dikaitkan dengan perubahan metilasi DNA pada beberapa gen yang berisiko menyebabkan skizofrenia. AKT1 dan HTR2A adalah antara calon gen kepada skizofrenia. Ekspresi gen-gen tersebut didapati berkurangan pada pesakit skizofrenia. Oleh itu,
kertas ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status metilasi promoter AKT1 dan exon-I HTR2A pada pesakit skizofrenia di Malaysia
dan juga ahli keluarga mereka
yang menghidap skizofrenia.
Dalam kajian
ini, setiap peserta
dikehendaki melakukan
Ujian Membuat Jejak
(TMT) bahagian A dan
B untuk mengukur prestasi kognitif mereka. DNA genom yang telah diekstrak daripada darah periferal 12 keluarga skizofrenia di Malaysia dan 12 keluarga kawalan sihat, tertakluk kepada penukaran bisulfite. Status
metilasi tapak
CpG dalam promoter AKT1 di
Chr14: 104796054 dan dalam
exon-I HTR2A di Chr13: 46896918 dikaji
dengan menggunakan
tindak balas
rantaian polimerase
(MSP). Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa pesakit skizofrenia mendapat keputusan yang teruk dalam kedua-dua bahagian TMT-A dan B (p<0.0001) berbanding dengan kawalan sihat. Pesakit skizofrenia juga menunjukkan tahap metilasi promoter AKT1 yang
tinggi secara
signifikan berbanding
dengan kawalan
(p=0.023). Sementara itu, tiada perbezaan yang signifikan (p=0.248) diperhatikan
dalam metilasi
status exon-I HTR2A antara kumpulan skizofrenia dan kawalan
sihat. Kertas
ini menunjukkan bahawa metilasi promoter AKT1 dalam darah periferal pesakit skizofrenia mungkin terlibat dalam kecacatan kognitif dan patologi skizofrenia.
Tambahan pula, kami dapat
menunjukkan bahawa kewarisan status metilasi DNA dalam kalangan ahli keluarga.
Kata kunci: Metilasi DNA; prestasi kognitif; skizofrenia; Ujian Membuat Jejak
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untuk surat-menyurat;