Sains Malaysiana 49(9)(2020): 2221-2229


Functional Properties of Tilapia’s Fish Scale Gelatin Film: Effects of Different Type of Plasticizers

(Ciri Kefungsian Filem Gelatin Sisik Ikan Tilapia: Kesan Jenis Pemplastik yang Berbeza)



1Department of Process and Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 84600 Pagoh, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 15 Oktober 2019/Diterima: 8 Mei 2020



The aim of this study was to investigate the functional properties of Tilapia’s fish scale gelatin films with various type of plasticizers. Gelatin film solutions using solution casting method with different type of plasticizers; glycerol, sorbitol, glycerol: sorbitol (80:20), and diethylene glycol with concentration of 30% were stirred at 60 °C for one hour and dried at room temperature for 2 days. The determination of film characterizations was included thermal (thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)), mechanical testing using the Texture Analyzer and chemical properties (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)). Essentially, all plasticizers show an improvement by able to plasticizing with increasing of elongation at break in between 14 and 50% compared to the gelatin film without plasticizer. Meanwhile, the tensile strength of plasticized gelatin films decreased drastically compared to the unplasticized gelatin film. From the result obtained in TGA analysis, film with sorbitol and dietheylene glycol demonstrated low resistance toward high temperature compared to film with glycerol and glycerol:sorbitol gelatin film. In addition, all the gelatin film with different plasticizers show the value of Tg around 60-70.85 °C except for sorbitol with Tg 79.98 °C due to strong intermolecular chain interaction between the sorbitol and gelatin. FTIR spectrum analysis demonstrated that only gelatin film with glycerol does not have any amide group that related to stretching vibration of carbonyl group along the polypeptide backbone of the plasticized film which later give highest tensile strength. Hence, notable differences of functional properties were found with four different type of plasticizers used in the gelatin film, especially in term of temperature resistance and mechanical properties.


Keywords: Functional properties; plasticizer; tilapia’s fish scale gelatin



Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji ciri kefungsian filem gelatin sisik ikan Tilapia dengan pelbagai jenis pemplastik. Larutan filem gelatin yang dihasilkan menggunakan kaedah acuan larutan dengan pelbagai jenis pemplastik; gliserol, sorbitol, gliserol:sorbitol (80:20) dan dietilena glikol dengan kepekatan 30% diaduk pada 60 °C selama satu jam dan dikeringkan pada suhu bilik selama 2 hari. Beberapa penentuan pencirian filem ditentukan termasuk termal (analisis termogravimetri (TGA) dan kalorimetri pengimbas pembezaan (DSC)), ujian mekanikal menggunakan penganalisis tekstur dan sifat kimia (spektroskopi inframerah transformasi Fourier (FTIR)). Pada dasarnya, semua pemplastik menunjukkan peningkatan pembaikan pada pemanjangan ketika putus sebanyak 14 hingga 50% berbanding dengan filem gelatin tanpa pemplastik. Sementara itu, kekuatan tegangan filem gelatin dengan pemplastik menurun secara mendadak berbanding dengan filem gelatin tanpa pemplastik. Daripada hasil yang diperoleh dalam analisis TGA, filem mengandungi sorbitol dan dietilena glikol menunjukkan rintangan rendah terhadap suhu tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan gelatin filem yang mengandungi gliserol dan gliserol:sorbitol. Di samping itu, semua filem gelatin berbeza pemplastik menunjukkan nilai Tg antara 60-70.85 °C kecuali sorbitol dengan Tg 79.98 °C kerana interaksi antara rantaian intermolekul yang kuat antara sorbitol dan gelatin. Analisis spektrum FTIR menunjukkan bahawa hanya filem gelatin dengan gliserol tidak mempunyai kumpulan amida yang berkaitan dengan peregangan getaran kumpulan karbonil di sepanjang tulang belakang polipeptida filem plastik yang kemudiannya memberikan kekuatan tegangan tertinggi. Oleh itu, perbezaan sifat kefungsian yang ketara didapati dengan empat jenis pemplastik yang digunakan dalam filem gelatin, terutamanya dalam rintangan suhu dan sifat mekanikal.


Kata kunci: Ciri kefungsian; gelatin sisik ikan tilapia; pemplastik



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