Sains Malaysiana 50(7)(2021): 2035-2045
the Behaviour of Wind Direction in Malaysia during Monsoon Seasons using
Replicated Functional Relationship in von Mises Distribution
Tingkah Laku Arah Angin di Malaysia ketika Musim Tengkujuh menggunakan Hubungan
Fungsian yang Direplikasi dalam Pengedaran von Mises)
of Advanced Studies, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal
Territory, Malaysia
of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA,
Cawangan Johor, Kampus Segamat,
85000 Segamat, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia
for Foundation Studies in Science, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur,
Federal Territory, Malaysia
of Defence Sciences and Technology, National Defence University of Malaysia, Kem
Sungai Besi, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
Diserahkan: 23 Jun 2020/Diterima: 19 November 2020
In studies of potential wind energy, knowing
statistical distribution of wind direction provides useful information in
making predictions and gives a better understanding of the behavior of the wind
direction. Malaysia experiences two monsoon seasons per year, namely Southwest
Monsoon and Northeast Monsoon and in this paper, our interest is to investigate
whether the direction of wind data in monsoon seasons can be modelled using
replicated LFRM with von Mises distribution. The beauty of this model is that
it considers the error terms in both x and y variables. This study considers
the bivariate relationship of directional wind data where errors are present in
both. Here, we propose a replicated functional relationship model, with the von
Mises distribution to describe the relationship of the wind direction data. In
the parameter estimation, maximum likelihood method is considered with
pseudo-replicated group of the replicated form of the functional relationship.
The novelty of this approach is that assumption on the ratio of concentration
parameters is no longer deemed necessary. Also, we derive the covariance matrix
of the parameters based on Fisher Information. From the Monte Carlo simulation
study, small bias measures were obtained, suggesting the viability of the
model. Based on the simulation study, it can be concluded that the wind
direction of the two monsoons in Malaysia can be modelled using replicated
linear functional relationship model.
Keywords: Circular
data; Monte Carlo simulation; parameter estimation; von Mises distribution;
wind direction data
Dalam kajian tentang
potensi tenaga angin, mengetahui pengedaran statistik arah angin memberikan
maklumat yang berguna dalam membuat ramalan dan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih
baik mengenai tingkah laku arah angin. Malaysia mengalami dua musim tengkujuh
setiap tahun, iaitu Monsun Barat Daya dan Monsun Timur Laut dan dalam makalah
ini, minat kami adalah untuk mengkaji apakah arah data angin pada musim
tengkujuh dapat dimodelkan menggunakan LFRM yang direplikasi dengan pengedaran
von Mises. Keindahan model ini adalah bahawa ia menganggap istilah kesalahan
dalam kedua-dua pemboleh ubah x dan y. Kajian ini mempertimbangkan hubungan
bivariat data angin arah dan terdapat kesilapan pada kedua-duanya. Di sini,
kami mencadangkan model hubungan fungsian yang direplikasi, dengan pengedaran
von Mises untuk menggambarkan hubungan data arah angin. Dalam perkiraan
parameter, kaedah kemungkinan maksimum dipertimbangkan dengan kumpulan pseudo-replikasi
bentuk replikasi hubungan fungsian. Kebaruan pendekatan ini adalah bahawa
anggapan mengenai nisbah parameter kepekatan tidak lagi dianggap perlu. Juga,
kami memperoleh matriks kovarians parameter berdasarkan Maklumat Fisher.
Daripada kajian simulasi Monte Carlo, ukuran bias kecil diperoleh, menunjukkan
keberlangsungan model. Berdasarkan kajian simulasi, dapat disimpulkan bahawa
arah angin dua monsun di Malaysia dapat dimodelkan dengan menggunakan model
hubungan fungsian linear yang direplikasi.
Kata kunci: Anggaran
parameter; data arah angin; data berkeliling; pengedaran von Mises; simulasi
Monte Carlo
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