Sains Malaysiana 51(5)(2022): 1505-1510
Air Leakage and Adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
Therapy in Patients with Moderate to Severe Obstruction Sleep Apnoea: A Cross
Sectional Study
(Kebocoran Udara dan Pematuhan kepada Terapi Berterusan Tekanan
Saluran Udara Positif Pesakit dengan Apnea Tidur Halangan Sederhana hingga
Teruk: Kajian Keratan Rentas)
1Department of
Otorhinolaryngology, Head
and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, 6000 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
2Department of
Otorhinolaryngology, Head
and Neck Surgery, 50586
Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
3Department of
Otorhinolaryngology, Head
and Neck Surgery, 40000
Hospital Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
21 Jun 2020/Diterima: 8 Oktober 2021
This multicentre study aimed to
evaluate the air leakage following a palatal surgery and its effect on CPAP
adherence in OSA patients. The data on air leakage
and adherence were objectively obtained and evaluated from the recorded CPAP
therapy data. Forty patients were divided into two groups: surgery (18
patients) and non-surgery (22 patients). The mean air leakage level was
7.62±8.14% and 12.62±13.81% and mean adherence was
51.44±35.27% and 60.03±27.04% for surgery and non-surgery, respectively. There was no significant difference in CPAP adherence
(p=0.389) but for mean air leakage it was significantly higher in non-surgery (p<0.01). The
occurrence of significant air leakage during CPAP therapy was not associated
with surgery (p=0.436). There was no association between poor CPAP adherence
and surgery (p=0.622). In terms of impact of
palatal surgery, it did not cause significant leakage with no
significant association to poor adherence.
Keywords: Adherence; anterior palatoplasty; continuous positive airway
pressure therapy; leakage; obstructive sleep apnoea
Penyelidikan ini yang melibatkan
beberapa institusi bertujuan untuk menilai kebocoran udara selepas pembedahan
lelangit dan kesan ke atas kepatuhan pemakaian CPAP dalam kalangan pesakit OSA.
Data kebocoran udara dan kepatuhan didapati dan dinilai secara objektif melalui
rekod daripada terapi CPAP. Empat puluh pesakit dibahagikan kepada 2 kumpulan: surgeri
(18 pesakit) dan non surgeri (22 pesakit). Tahap min kebocoran udara
adalah 7.62±8.14% dan 12.62±13.81% dan min kepatuhan adalah 51.44±35.27% dan 60.03±27.04% untuk surgeri dan non surgeri.
Tiada perubahan signifikan di dalam kepatuhan CPAP (p=0.389)
tetapi untuk min kebocoran udara menunjukkan nilai signifikan yang lebih tinggi
untuk non surgeri (p<0.01). Kejadian untuk signifikan kebocoran udara ketika
penggunaan terapi CPAP adalah tiada kaitan dengan surgeri (p=0.436). Didapati
tiada juga kaitan antara kepatuhan pemakaian CPAP yang teruk dan surgeri
(p=0.622). Berkaitan dengan impak pembedahan lelangit,
ia tidak menyebabkan kebocoran signifikan dan juga tiada kaitan signifikan
terhadap keterukan kepatuhan.
Kata kunci:
Apnea tidur halangan; kebocoran; kepatuhan; palatoplasti anterior; terapi berterusan tekanan saluran udara
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untuk surat-menyurat; email: