Sains Malaysiana 51(6)(2022): 1875-1883


Can Resin Coatings Improve the Flexural Properties of Highly Viscous Glass Ionomer Cements?

(Bolehkah Salutan Resin Meningkatkan Sifat Lentur Simen Ionomer Kaca Sangat Likat?)




1Centre for Restorative Dentistry Studies, Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

2Department of Dentistry, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, National University Health System, Singapore

3Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 9 September 2021/Diterima: 30 Oktober 2021



This study examined the effect of self-adhesive resin coatings on the flexural properties of three highly viscous glass ionomer cements (HVGICs), specifically Shofu Zirconomer (ZR), GC Equia Forte (EQ), and SDI Riva Self Cure (RV). Custom-made Telfon molds were used to produce 60 beam-shaped specimens (12 × 2 × 2 mm) for each material. The specimens were finished, measured, and randomly divided into three groups of 20. Ten specimens in each group were left uncoated, while the remaining ten were coated with their respective manufacturers’ resin coats. All specimens were immersed in distilled water, artificial saliva or citric acid at 37 °C for seven days and subjected to flexural testing with a 5 KN load at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min till fracture occurred. Flexural data were analysed using one-way ANOVA/Tukey’s post-hoc test and independent sample T-test (α=0.05). Mean flexural modulus ranged from 0.72±0.13 to 13.19±1.00 GPa while mean flexural strength ranged from 4.32±0.84 to 45.83±4.82 MPa after immersing in the different mediums. The flexural modulus/strength of uncoated ZR and RV were generally comparable or greater than when coated. However, EQ was mostly improved when coated regardless of immersion mediums. RV and EQ generally offered the best flexural performance when uncoated and coated respectively.


Keywords: Flexural properties; highly viscous glass ionomer cement; resin coatings



Impak salutan resin terhadap sifat lenturan simen kaca ionomer (HVGIC) telahpun dikaji. Bahan kajian terdiri daripada Shofu Zirconomer (ZR), GC Equia Forte (EQ) dan SDI Riva Self Cure (RV). Untuk setiap bahan, sebanyak 60 spesimen yang berbentuk rasuk (12 × 2 × 2 mm) telah dihasilkan dengan menggunakan acuan yang dibuat khas. Semua spesimen dilicin, diukur dan dibahagikan secara rawak kepada tiga kumpulan. Daripada 20 spesimen yang terkandung di dalam setiap kumpulan, sepuluh spesimen telah disalut dengan resin khas masing-masing, manakala spesimen lain tidak disalut. Selepas itu, semua spesimen direndam dalam air suling, air liur tiruan dan asid sitrik selama tujuh hari pada suhu 37 °C. Kajian sifat lenturan dijalankan dengan beban sebanyak 5KN dan kelajuan kepala melintang 0.5 mm/min sehingga kepatahan berlaku. Data sifat lenturan dianalisis dengan ujian sehala post-hoc ANOVA/Tukey’s dan sampel tak bersandar T-test (α=0.05). Purata sifat lenturan modulus adalah antara 0.72±0.13 hingga 13.19±1.00 GPa, manakala purata sifat lenturan kekuatan adalah antara 4.32±0.84 hingga 45.83±4.82 MPa, selepas direndam pada pelbagai rendaman. Sifat lenturan ZR dan RV yang tidak disalut didapati setanding atau lebih baik berbanding dengan yang disalut dengan resin. Walau bagaimanapun, EQ didapati bertambah baik apabila disalut dengan resin, tanpa mengambil kira jenis rendaman. RV menawarkan sifat lenturan terbaik apabila tidak disalut, sebaliknya EQ menawarkan sifat lenturan terbaik apabila disalut dengan resin.


Kata kunci: Salutan resin; sifat lenturan; simen kaca ionomer



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