Sains Malaysiana 51(6)(2022):
Determinants of COVID-19
Prevention Equipment Readiness in Families during Pandemic in Indonesia
(Penentu Kesediaan Peralatan
Pencegahan COVID-19 dalam Keluarga semasa Pandemik di Indonesia)
Aditya Sukma Pawitra1*, Khuliyah Candraning
Diyanah1, Mohd. Talib Latif1,2, Zainul Amiruddin Zakaria3 & Salsabila Al Firdausi4
1Environmental Health Department, Public
Health Faculty, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia
2Faculty of Science and Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
3Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universiti
Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
4Master of Environmental Health, Public
Health Faculty, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia
Diserahkan: 23 Ogos 2021/Diterima: 9 Mei 2022
Indonesia was the country with the second-highest case
of COVID-19 in the South East Asia Region (SEAR) of the World Health
Organization (WHO) data until August 1, 2021. As an infectious disease, the
high level of COVID-19 rate transmission requires everyone always to prepare a
prevention tools kit to minimize the risk of coronavirus exposure. This study
aimed to analyze the determinant factors of readiness of the COVID-19
prevention tools kit. This study used a cross-sectional design with a
mix-method technique because data collection and analysis combine quantitative
and qualitative approaches in several phases of the research process. Data
collected from 18 representative provinces in Indonesia with a total of respondents
involved were 2,196 people. The Binary Logistic Regression tests were used to
analyze the variable correlation. The multivariable
analytic showed that the determinant factors with a significant correlation which
affected the readiness of COVID-19 prevention tools kit in each family during
pandemic in Indonesia were age 37-46 years old (p=0.000; odds ratio=8.039),
female gender (p=0.000; odds ratio=8.653), self-employed jobs (p=0.028; odds
ratio=2.239), income > 5 million per month (p=0.000; odds ratio=7.267), good
knowledge (p=0.000; odds ratio=3.311), and good perception (p=0.001; odds
ratio=2.015). The supply of tools and medicines to prevent COVID-19 is
indispensable during the pandemic to protect against COVID-19 infection. Masks
and hand sanitizers become the main kits most individuals have, especially when
doing outside home activities. At the same time, the oximeter becomes the least
kit in the family. This preparation also teaches citizens to practice a healthy
lifestyle. Cross-sector coordination is needed to improve public awareness of
COVID-19 prevention equipment.
Keywords: COVID-19
prevention kit; family readiness; infectious diseases; mix-method
Indonesia adalah negara dengan kes COVID-19 tertinggi kedua
di Wilayah Asia Tenggara (SEAR) mengikut data oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia
(WHO) sehingga 1 Ogos 2021. Sebagai penyakit berjangkit, tahap jangakitan tinggi
COVID-19 memerlukan setiap orang untuk selalu menyediakan alat pencegahan untuk
mengurangkan risiko pendedahan coronavirus. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk
menganalisis faktor penentu kesediaan kit alat pencegahan COVID-19. Kajian ini
menggunakan reka bentuk keratan rentas dengan teknik kaedah campuran. Data yang
dikumpulkan daripada 18 wilayah perwakilan di Indonesia dengan jumlah responden
yang terlibat adalah 2,196 orang. Ujian Regresi Logistik Binari digunakan untuk
menganalisis korelasi pemboleh ubah. Statistik analitik menunjukkan faktor
penentu dengan korelasi yang signifikan yang mempengaruhi kesediaan kit alat
pencegahan COVID-19 dalam setiap keluarga semasa pandemik di Indonesia berumur
37-46 tahun (p = 0.000; odds ratio = 8.039), jantina wanita (p = 0.000; odds
ratio = 8.653), pekerjaan mandiri (p = 0.028; odds ratio = 2.239),
pendapatan> 5 juta sebulan (p = 0.000; odds ratio = 7.267), pengetahuan yang
baik (p = 0.000 ; odds ratio = 3.311) dan persepsi yang baik (p = 0.001; odds
ratio = 2.015). Pembekalan alat dan ubat-ubatan untuk mencegah COVID-19 sangat
diperlukan semasa pandemik untuk melindungi daripada jangkitan COVID-19. Penutup
muka dan pembersih tangan menjadi alat utama yang dimiliki kebanyakan individu,
terutama ketika melakukan aktiviti di luar rumah. Pada masa yang sama,
oksimeter menjadi kit paling sedikit dalam keluarga. Persediaan ini juga
mengajar warga untuk mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat. Penyelarasan rentas sektor
diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kesediaan orang ramai daripada segi peralatan
pencegahan COVID-19.
Kata kunci: Kaedah campuran; kesediaan keluarga; kit
pencegahan COVID-19; penyakit berjangkit
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*Pengarang untuk surat-menyurat; email: