Undergraduate Supervisions

Bil [No] Nama Pelajar [Student's Name] Tajuk Tesis [Title of Thesis] Penyerahan [Submission]
89 Ng Ying Peng (A102910) Kesan Penambahan Kitosan Terhadap Ketahanan Gel Lidah Buaya (Aloe Barbadensis) serta Penciriannya [The Effect of Chitosan on the Gel Strength of Aloe Barbadensis and its Characterisation] 2007 Apr
88 Lee Mi Qi (A102823) Penjerapan Logam Berat dalam Efluen Industri Logam. [Absorption of Heavy Metals in the Effluent of Metalurgical Industries] 2007 Apr
87 Norazlinda Mat Azaman (A102281) Kesan Penambahan Kitosan dalam Syampu. [The Effect of Chitosan in Shampoo] 2007 Apr
86 Maisara Shahrom Raja Shahrom (A102044) Penggunaan Kitosan dalam Tanaman Pokok Kacang Panjang [The Use of Chitosan in Bayam Horticulture] 2007 Apr
85 Kek Ben Hui (A102017) Kesan Kitosan Keatas Hidrolisis Beralkali Minyak Bunga Matahari [The Effect of Chitosan on the Alkaline Hydrolysis of Sunflower Oil] 2007 Apr
84 Norwati Ab Rahim (A96170) Perbandingan Komposisi Komponen-komponen Dalam Cuka. [A Contituents Comparison in Venegars] 2007 Mar 22
Exmnr: Prof Dr Md Pauzi Abdullah
83 Louis Lem Yew Tat (A96623) Kesan Penambahan Kitosan dalam Proses Pencelupan Kain Kapas. [The Effect of Chitosan in Dyeing Cotton Fabric] 2006 Apr 8
Exmnr: Dr Khairiah Badri
82 Lim Kuan Chien (A96590) Penjerapan Ion Pb(II) oleh Membran Kitosan Berongga dengan Glukosa sebagai Pembentuk Rongga. [Adsorption of Pb(II) Ions by Chitosan Porous Membrane made with Glucose] 2006 Apr 8
Exmnr: Dr Khairiah Badri
81 Koh Hwi Keng (A96526) Penyediaan dan Pencirian Membran Kitosan Berliang untuk Penjerapan Ion Cu(II). [Preparation and Characterization of Porous Membrane for the Adsorption of Cu(II) Ions] 2006 Apr 9
Exmnr: Dr Maimunah Sokro
80 Justin Chow Pok Sim (A96511) Kesan Penggunaan Kitosan dalam Pewarnaan Kain Sutera. [The Effect of Chitosan on the Dyeing of Silk Fabric] 2006 Apr 8
Exmnr: Dr Rusli Daik
79 Ahmad Adlie Shamsuri (A90077) (SK) Kajian Spektroskopi Elektron Sinar-X dalam Kitin dan Kitosan. [X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Studies of Chitin and Chitosan] 2005 Oct 24
Exmnr: Dr Mohamed Rozali Othman
78 Mohd Pahmi Abdul Wahab (A90371) (SK) Tenaga Ikatan Nitrogen dalam Pelbagai Keadaan Pengoksidaan. [Binding Energies of Nitrogen in various Oxidation States] 2005 Oct 12
Exmnr: Dr Rusli Daik
77 Liew Siew Har (A91084) Synthesis of Tannin-Containing Polyurethane. [Synthesis of Tannin-Containing Polyurethane]
Co-supervisor: Dr Maimunah Sokro
2005 Mac 29
76 Liew Han Woon (A91082) Synthesis of Tannin-Containing Polyurethane. [Synthesis of Tannin-Containing Polyurethane]
Co-supervisor: Dr Maimunah Sokro
2005 Mac 29
75 Wan Siti Mariamah Wan Ibrahim (A90895) (ST) Kesan Kitosan ke atas Hidrolisis Beralkali Ester Gliserol (Minyak Zaitun). [The Effect of Chitosan on Alkaline Hydrolysis of Esters of Glycerol (Olive Oil)] 2005 Mac 29
74 Shamsuniza Jamaluddin (A90751) (ST) Kesan Kitosan ke atas Hidrolisis Beralkali Ester Gliserol (Minyak Jagung). [The Effect of Chitosan on Alkaline Hydrolysis of Esters of Glycerol (Corn Oil)] 2005 Mac 29
73 Sakinah Mohd Alauddin (A90731) (ST) Kesan Kitosan ke atas Hidrolisis Beralkali Ester Gliserol (Minyak Sawit). [The Effect of Chitosan on Alkaline Hydrolysis of Esters of Glycerol (Palm Oil)] 2005 Mac 29
72 Sa'diah Ad Ghapur (A90727) (ST) Kesan pH ke atas Interaksi Filem Kitosan dengan Pewarna Semula Jadi (Pandan). [The Effect of pH on the Interaction of Chitosan with Natural Dye (Pandan)] 2005 Mac 29
71 Norilhamiah Hj Yahya (A90562) (ST) Kesan pH ke atas Interaksi Filem Kitosan dengan Pewarna Semula Jadi (Kunyit). [The Effect of pH on the Interaction of Chitosan with Natural Dye (Kunyit)] 2005 Mac 29
70 Shaiful Hafiz Shamsudin (A83405) (SK) Interaksi Filem Kitosan dengan Pewarna semulajadi. [Interaction of Chitosan Film with a natural Dye] 2004 Oct 20
Exmnr: Dr Khairiah Badri
69 Chow Seng Hon (A84126) (SK) Penyediaan N-Asetilglukosamina Olefin [Preparation of Olefinic N-Acetylglucoseamine] 2004 Mac 8
Exmnr: Dr Ishak Ahmad
68 Ng Teik Horng (A83262) (ST) Pengesteran Gelang D(+)-Glukosamina [Esterification of D(+)-Glucoseamine Ring] 2004 Mac 8
Exmnr: Dr Maimunah Sokro
67 Halimatul Saadiah Zakaria (A83065) (SK) Interaksi Filem Kitosan dengan Pewarna semulajadi. [Interaction of Chitosan Film with a natural Dye] 2004 Mac 8
Exmnr: Prof Dr Ibrahim Abdullah
66 Shamsaridatu Nawal Sameli (A79935) (SK) Interaksi Filem Kitosan dengan Pewarna daripada Curcuma longa (Kunyit). [Interaction of Chitosan Film with a Dye from Curcuma longa (tumeric)] 17 Sep 2003
Exmnr: Dr Maimunah Sokro
65 Ewe Cheong Weng (A78030) (ST) Penyediaan Glukosamina Olefin [Preparation of Olefinic Glucoseamine] 17 Sep 2003
Exmnr: Dr Khairiah Hj Badri
64 Tan Huey Ling (A78289) (ST) Penyediaan Hidrogel Kitosan dengan Polisakarida Semula Jadi. [Preparation of Hydrogel of Chitosan with Natural Polysaccharides] 17 Feb 2003
Exmnr: Dr Ishak Ahmad
63 Lee Siew Sien (A78132) (ST) Sifat Reologi Adunan Kitosan dengan Polisakarida Semula Jadi. [Rheological Properties of Blends of Chitosan with Natural Polysaccharides] 17 Feb 2003
Exmnr: Dr Maimunah Sokro
62 Lai Fei Sin (A78097) (ST) Penyediaan Hidrogel Terbitan Asil-Kitosan. [Preparation of Hydrogel of Acyl-Derivative of Chitosan] 20 Feb 2003
Exmnr: Dr Anita Ramli
61 Chee Yew Teng (A77978) (ST) Penjerapan Adunan Kitosan-Polisakarida. [The Sorption of Chitosan-Polysaccharide] 20 Feb 2003
Exmnr: Dr Rusli Daik
60 Rosalina Mohd Yusof (69964) (ST) Kesan Kehadiran Kitosan Terhadap Kestabilan Lemak: Emulsi Minyak dalam Air. [The Effect of Chitosan in Fats: Oil in Water Emulsion] Sep 2002
59 Nori Nan (69900) (ST) Kitosan dalam Jus Komersial. [Chitosan in Commercial Juices] Sep 2002
58 Noor Zainuna Abdullah Hashim (69859) (ST) Kestabilan Kelikatan Gel Kitosan Dalam Asid Lemah. [The Viscosity Stability of Chitosan Gels in Weak Acids] Sep 2002
57 Siti Hawa Mat Lias (69997) (ST) Penyediaan dan Pencirian O-Terbitan Kitin. [Preparation and Characterization of O-Derivatives of Chitin] Feb 2002
56 Shamsiah Abu Sahary (69986) Penyediaan dan Pencirian O-Terbitan Kitosan. [Preparation and Characterization of O-Derivatives of Chitosan] Feb 2002
55 Rosliza Mohd Salim (69956) Penyediaan dan Pencirian N-Terbitan Kitosan. [Preparation and Characterization of N-Derivatives of Chitosan] Feb 2002
54 Noraida Abdul Rahman (62996) (ST) Kesan Kehadiran Kitosan Terhadap Kestabilan Emulsi O/W. [The Effect of Chitosan on the Stability of O/W Emulsion] Sep 2001
53 Kasmawati Daud (62887) (ST)

Pelarutan Kitosan Dalam Larutan Asid Organik. [Dissolution of Chitosan in Organic Acids Solution]

Sep 2001
52 Azmir Mohd Radzi (62827) (ST) Penentuan Jisim Molekul Kitosan. [Determination of Chitosan Molecular Mass] Sep 2001
51 Siti Shuhana Shahadan (63079) (ST) Kestabilan Larutan Kitosan Dari Segi Kelikatan. [Viscosity Stability of Chitosan Solution]

Mac 2001

50 Adela Pius Jokinol (62805) (ST) Kesan Garam Terhadap Kelikatan Larutan Kitosan. [The Effect of Salts on the Viscosity of Chitosan Solution] Mac 2001
49 Zalina Mat Zabidi (58109) (ST) Penjerapan Lemak dan Minyak oleh Kitosan Nutraseutikal Komersil. [Adsorption of Fat and Oil by Commercial Nutraceutical Chitosan] Mac 2000 (Menarik diri)
48 Kong Wai See (55579) (ST) Pencirian Perbandingan Kitosan Nutraseutikal Komersil. [Comparative Characterization of Commercial Nutraceutical Chitosan] Mac 2000
47 Mazura Abd Malek (58077) (ST) Pengasingan dan Pencirian Kitosan Daripada Tulang Rawan Sotong. [Isolation and Characterization of Chitosan from Squid Pen] Mac 2000
46 Normawati @ Nadzirah Abu Samah (58135) (ST) Pengasingan dan Pencirian Kitosan Daripada Udang Lipan. [Isolation and Characterization of Chitosan from Manthis Prawn] Mac 2000
45 Mohd Shah Indra Giman (49852) Kelikatan Larutan Kitosan Terhidrolisis. [Viscosities of Hydrolysed Chitosan] Mac 1999
44 Nizamdin Abdul Hamed (45941) Titratan pH Larutan Kitosan. [pH Titration of Chitosan Solutions] Mac 1999
43 Yap Kok Choong (49979) Pencirian Polielektrolitik Kitosan. [Polyelectrolytic Characterization of Chitosan] Mac 1999
42 Wang Eu Keong (49986), Penyeliaan bersama Dr Mohd Jamil Jais Merawat Air Buangan Elektronik Menggunakan Kitosan. [Treatment of Electronic Plants Wastewater Using Chitosan] Mac 1999
41 Chu Chee Keng (43193), FSSA [Fac of Sci of Nat Resource] Kajian Jerapan dan Nyahjerapan Logam Kuprum oleh N-Metilkarboksil Kitosan. [A Study on Sorption and Desorption of Copper by N-Methylcarboxyl Chitosan] Apr 1998
40 Tan Siew Hong (43212), FSSA [Fac of Sci of Nat Resource] Kajian Jerapan dan Nyahjerapan Logam Kuprum oleh N-Metil-2-piridinil Kitosan. [A Study on Sorption and Desorption of Copper by N-Methylpyridinyl Chitosan] Apr 1998
39 Yu Mei Huey (43218), FSSA [Fac of Sci of Nat Resource] Kajian Jerapan dan Nyahjerapan Logam Kuprum oleh Kitosan. [A Study on Sorption and Desorption of Copper by Chitosan] Apr 1998
38 Rosidah Ahmad (42210) Penggumpal Primer Baru Berasaskan Kitosan. [A Chitosan-Based Novel Coagulant] Apr 1998
37 Goh King King (S1034), FSSA [Fac of Sci of Nat Resource] Sifat-sifat kitosan yang diperoleh daripada bahagian-bahagian sisa berkitin terpilih. [Properties of Chitosan Obtained from Assorted Parts of Chitinous Waste] Apr 1997
36 Ruben Sakrabani (S1058), FSSA [Fac of Sci of Nat Resource] Taburan Logam-logam Semasa Pengekstrakan Kitosan Daripada Sisa Berkitin. [Distribution of Metal During Chitosan Extraction from Chitinous Waste] Apr 1997
35 Khairul Akmal Nor (32844) Interaksi Kitosan dengan Beberapa Logam Berat. [Interaction of chitosan with several heavy metals.] Nov 1995
34 Rasli Idris (33330) Struktur molekul dan kelikatan larutan akueus berasid kitosan. [Molecular Structure and the Viscosities of Acidic Aqueous Solution of Chitosan.] Apr 1995


Suhaida Abdul Karim (33214); SB Penyediaan Kitosan Porus. [Preparation of Porous Chitosan.] Apr 1995
32 Rosnah Ismail (30917) Sintesis dan Pencirian Kitosan Pirition. [Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan Pyrethion.] Nov 1994

Nur Fazal Adura Nordin (30819)

Penggunaan Kitosan dan Terbitannya dalam Perawatan Efluen Industri Minyak Sawit. [The Use of Chitosan and its Derivatives in the Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent.] Nov 1994
30 Azizah Abd Rahman (30530) Adunan Polimer Tetiga Kitosan, Poli(vinil alkohol) dan Polisakarida Daripada Gam Gajus (Anacardium occidentale). [Blends of tertier Polymer of Chitosan, Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Polysaccharides from Cashew Gum.] Apr 1994
29 Rosmira Abdul Ghani (30443) Kesan Kondisioner ke atas Kelikatan Larutan Kitosan. [The effect of Conditioner on the Viscosity of Chitosan Solution.] Apr 1994
28 Sabdin Hj Saribin (29310) Adunan Kitosan dengan Poli(vinil alkohol). [Blends of Chitosan with Poly(vinyl alcohol).] Nov 1993
27 Marina Mohd Shariff (30866) Saling Tindakan Antara N-KMK dengan Bahan-bahan Organik Berwarna. [Interaction of N-CMC with Coloured Organic Materials.] Apr 1993

Hanida Ghazali (27824)

Saling tindakan O-Karabosimetil Kitosan dengan Bahan-bahan Organik Berwarna. [Interaction of O-Carboxymethylchitosan with Coloured Organic Materials.] Apr 1993
25 Haslina Hasan (27735) Pengadunan N-karboksimetil Kitosan (NKMK) dan O-karboksimetil Kitosan (OKMK) dengan Poli(vinil alkohol). [Blending of N-Carboxymethylchitosan (NCMC) and O-Carboxymethylchitosan (OCMC) with Poly(vinyl alcohol).] Apr 1993
24 Wan Ibrahim Wan Abd. Rahman (26934) Kelikatan Larutan Kitosan. [Viscosities of Chitosan Solution.] Nov 1992
23 Victor Chong Yoon Soon (25451) Kandungan Nitrogen dan Fosforus dalam Efluen Industri Minyak Sawit. [The Content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Palm Oil Mill Effluent.] Apr 1992
22 Che Wan Khairiah Che Wan Khalid (25173) Penentuan Minyak dan Gris Dalam Efluen Industri Minyak Sawit. [Determination of Grease and Oil in Palm Oil Mill Effluent.] Apr 1992
21 Wong Chong Moi (23427) Kelikatan Larutan Kitin Terhidrolisis. [Viscosities of Hydrolysed Chitin.] Apr 1991
20 Low Bee Ling (23325) Terbitan-terbitan Oligokitin. [Derivatives of Oligochitin.] Apr 1991
19 Wan Rabitah Wan Mohd Saman (19888) Terbitan-terbitan Oligokitosan. [Derivatives of oligochitosan.] Apr 1991
18 Teoh Chik Jian (19227) Pengkopolimeran cangkukan. [Graft copolymerization.] Apr 1989
17 Khor Kim Hor (16363) Sifat-sifat Larutan Cair Karboksilmetilkitin. [Properties of Dilute Solution of Carboxylmethylchitin.] Apr 1988
16 Rashidah Daud (14567) Penyediaan Butiran Kitin. [Preparation of Chitin Beads.] Apr 1987
15 Low Yeap Hing (14488) Penyediaan Terbitan Kitin dan Kitosan dengan Kaedah Kondensasi Amina-Keton. [Preparation of Chitin and Chitosan Derivatives by Condensation of Amine-Ketone.] Apr 1987
14 Lee Chee Hen (14766) Pencangkukan yang Melibatkan Kitin. [Grafting Involving Chitin.] Apr 1987
13 Ng Kim Hua (14550) Penjerapan Pewarna oleh Kitin. [Dye Absorption by Chitin.] Apr 1987
12 Chua Cheng Huat (13227) Kesan Bendasing ke atas Kelakuan Reologi Cat Emulsi. [The Effect of Impurities on the Rheological Behaviour of Emulsion Paint.]

Apr 1986

11 Liew Lee Loy (13262) Penjerapan Warna oleh Kitin. [Dyes Absorption by Chitin.] Apr 1986
10 Ng Yin Yin (13263) Penyediaan Butiran Kitin. [Preparation of Chitin Beads.] Apr 1986
9 Rosina Muhamad (8298) Sifat Kembungan Polimer. [Swelling Properties of Polymer.] Apr 1985
8 Rohiah Taib (7740) Kelakuan Reologi Cat Emulsi. [Rheological Behaviour of Emulsion Paint.] Apr 1985
7 Ishar Ismail (7852) SN Kajian Kesan Sinar-gamma Terhadap Kelikatan Lateks Getah Asli. [A study of the effect of gamma-radiation on the viscosity of natural rubber latex.] (Penyeliaan bersama Dr. Md. Soot Hj. Ahmad, Jabatan Sains Nuklear, surat rujukan Ogos, 1983 [Co-supervision with Dr. Md. Soot Hj Ahmad, (Dept of Nuclear Sciences, Ref. letter Ogos, 1983]

Apr 1984

6 Salmah Abdul Rahman (8217) Sifat-sifat Hidrofilik Kopolimer Vinilpirolidon. [Hydrophilic Properties of Vinylpyrrolidone Copolymers.] - menarik diri dengan ijazah am [Withdrew with a general degree.] 1984
5 Zaleha Abd Rahman (8475) Kebolehcampuran Kopolimer yang Disediakan dari Monomer-monomer pada Pempolimeran Sempurna. Compatibility of Polymers Prepared from Monomers at Complete Conversion.] Apr 1984
4 Rusli Abd Ghani (2471) Reologi Larutan Pekat Polistirena dalam Toluena. [Rheology of Concentrated Solutions of Polystyrene in Toluene.] (Penyeliaan bersama Dr  Mohd. Salleh Suwandi [Co-supervision with Dr  Mohd. Salleh Suwandi]) Apr 1979
3 Arisol Alimuniar (3023) Kinetik Tindakbalas Urea dengan Poli(vinil alkohol). [Kinetics of Reaction of Urea with Poly(vinyl alcohol).] (Penyeliaan bersama Dr  Mohd. Salleh Suwandi [Co-supervision with Dr  Mohd. Salleh Suwandi]) Apr 1979
2 Nik Noor Aini Nik Mahmood (1715) Analisa Permulaan Gam Gajus. [Preliminary Analyses of Cashew Gum.] Apr 1978
1 Zainiah Abd Rahman (1894) Sifat-sifat Polimerik dari Gam Gajus. [Polymeric Properties of Cashew Gum.] Apr 1978