CheGu Baharuddin Ahmad. My chemistry teacher in 1967 (Form 4) and 1968 (form 5) in SAS, Kuala Lumpur. I sat in the SPM with chemistry knowledge taught by him. I started learning chemistry in lower level General Science (for SRP exam in 1966) from CheGu Ghazali Haron in SMK Padang Midin, Kuala Terengganu. I studied Chemistry as a subject for exam when I moved to SAS, Kuala Lumpur in Jan 1967. I ended up to become a high level chemist in a specialised chemistry subject (polymer chemistry) with the chemistry understanding begining in the class taught by CheGu Baharuddin.

His teaching methotology perhaps was not of high level, or indeed, the methodology was always a personal approach, but his chemistry knowledge was always at a level a student would not hasitate to trust. It was this trust which I had on him that always undo the error I made during the course of my career development. CheGu Baharuddin knew me personally as early as when I was in form 4. It was like he knew that I was to become a chemist. He taught chemistry in right steps like nature building macromolecules in steps from atoms. Perhaps the induction was catalysed by my strong mathematic background.

At STP level, I learned chemistry from Pak Hitler Natasuwarna; 1969 in lower six and 1970 in upper six, at the same school. CheGu Baharuddin taught chemistry in different class then, but he gave a personal attention to my 'chemical development'. This was especially so in 1970 when I was appointed the school HB who never could elude from every teacher's attention.

1969 April 26 Sat - I was ill, a remnant of last Feb malaria. I told a prefect at 12.30 noon. CheGu Baharuddin, the warden on duty did not wait for the school van, himself took me to the General Hospital, KL (in his Pugeot 204) - the evening I was supposed to wait for former friends from K Trengganu (including Zawiah) arriving for their form six in SAS. CheGu Baharuddin waited for the doctor's verdict in the hospital, and fortunately it was just an out-patient case; he took me back to the hostel.

1969 June 16 Wed The managing of the chartered bus came to another step of success when I got the signature of CheGu Baharuddin Ahmad.