Sains Malaysiana 43(11)(2014): 1769–1774
Elektrolit Dwi Lapisan Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.90 (SDC)/ Y0.25Bi0.75O1.5 (YSB) untuk Sel Fuel
Oksida Pepejal Bersuhu Sederhana
(Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.90 (SDC)/ Y0.25Bi0.75O1.5 (YSB) Bilayered Electrolytes for Intermediate Solid
Oxide Fuel Cells)
Institut Sel Fuel, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor,Malaysia
22 November 2012/Accepted: 21 July 2014
Elektrolit dwi lapisan samarium terdop seria (SDC)/ytria terstabil bismut (YSB) dikaji adalah untuk menghasilkan sel fuel oksida pepejal bersuhu sederhana (IT-SOFC). Matlamat penyelidikan ialah mengkaji kesan suhu pengkalsinan terhadap penghasilan struktur elektrolit dwi lapisan SDC/YSB untuk IT-SOFC. Elektrolit dwi lapisan SDC dan YSB dihasilkan melalui kaedah sol-gel dan kaedah tindak balas keadaan pepejal. Serbuk SDC dikalsin pada suhu 800, 1000 dan 1200°C selama 5 jam dan serbuk YSB dikalsin pada suhu 550, 650 dan 750°C selama 2 jam. Analisis pembelauan sinar-X (XRD) mendapati serbuk SDC yang dihasilkan pada suhu 800-1200°C selama 5 jam mempunyai struktur Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.90, manakala YSB mempunyai struktur Y0.25Bi0.75O1.5 pada suhu 750°C selama 2 jam. Peningkatan suhu pengkalsinan SDC pada suhu 800, 1000 dan 1200°C selama 5 jam menunjukkan peningkatan pada saiz hablur iaitu 42.4, 58.7 dan 79.9 nm. Peningkatan suhu pengkalsinan YSB sehingga suhu 750°C menyebabkan berlakunya perubahan struktur YSB daripada bentuk tetragon menjadi kiub fluorit dengan saiz hablur 28.86 nm. Hasil perbandingan ujian prestasi sel pada suhu pengoperasian sederhana (650°C), penggunaan elektrolit dwi lapisan (SDC/YSB) dengan suhu pengkalsinan SDC-1200°C dan YSB-750°C menghasilkan prestasi sel paling tinggi dengan ketumpatan kuasa 81.55 mW/cm2 dan ketumpatan arus 225.36
Kata kunci: Elektrolit dwi lapisan; komposit; pengkalsinan;
Bilayered electrolytes samarium doped ceria (SDC)/yttria stabilised bismuth (YSB)
were investigated to develop intermediate temperature of solid oxide fuel cells
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the calcination on the
microstructure of SDC/YSB bilayered electrolytes in IT-SOFC. Bilayered electrolytes SDC and YSB were syntesised via sol-gel and a solid state reaction method. The SDC powders were calcined at 800, 1000 and 1200°C for 5 h whereas YSB powders
were calcined at 550, 650 and 750°C for 2 h. The
result from XRD showed that the SDC powder having a Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 structure
after the calcine at a temperature of 800 to 1200°C
for 5 h and YSB having an Y0.25Bi0.75O1.5 structure at 750°C for 2 h. An increase in
the calcination temperature on the SDC at 800, 1000 and 1200°C for 5 h caused an
increased in crystalline size to 42.4, 58.7 and 79.9 nm, respectively. An
increase in YSB calcination temperature to 750°C resulted in the transformation
of YSB from tetragonal into cubic fluorite structure with a crystallite size of
28.86 nm. By comparing the results of cell performance test in intermediate
operation temperature (650°C), bilayered electrolytes
with the calcination temperature SDC-1200°C and YSB-750°C showed the
highest cell performance with power density 81.55 mW /cm2 and
current density of 225.36 mA/cm2.
Keywords: Bilayered electrolytes; calcination; composite; sol-gel
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