Sains Malaysiana 44(8)(2015): 1189-1194
The Combined Effect of Dental Post and Cement Materials on
Fracture Resistance and Fracture Mode of Endodontically-treated
Kesan Pasca Pergigian dan Bahan Simen ke atas Rintangan Keretakan
dan Mod
Gigi yang Dirawat secara Endodontik)
of Restorative Dentistry, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur,
Technology Research Group, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
16 October 2014/Accepted: 13 April 2015
The aim of this study
was to investigate the simultaneous influence of various dental
posts and cementation materials on the fracture resistance and failure
mode of the endodontically-treated teeth. Sixty endodontically treated
upper central incisors were randomly divided into two main groups,
each consisted of three subgroups restored with titanium, fiber
and stainless steel posts. The posts in the first and second groups
were luted with zinc phosphate and composite resin cements, respectively.
Composite cores were built-up over the specimens and then retained
with nickel-chromium crowns. Specimens were thermocycled and then
loaded at 135o until
failures were observed. The obtained data of fracture resistances
and failure modes were analyzed using Two-way ANOVA and the Chi-Square tests,
respectively. The results showed that the zinc phosphate cement
resulted in relatively higher fracture resistances. However, luting
of dental posts with composite resin provided more restorable failures
in endodontically-treated teeth. Moreover, the teeth restored by
fiber posts exhibited desirable fracture resistances with more restorable
failure modes, compared with those restored by titanium or stainless
steel posts.
Keywords: Dental cements;
dental posts; fracture resistance
Kajian ini bertujuan
untuk mengkaji pengaruh serentak pelbagai tiang pergigian dan bahan
simen pada rintangan keretakan dan mod kegagalan ke atas gigi dirawat
secara endodontik. Enam puluh batang gigi rawatan endodontik gigi
kacip atas berpusat dibahagikan secara rawak kepada dua kumpulan
utama, masing-masing terdiri daripada tiga subkumpulan yang dipulihkan
dengan titanium, serat dan tiang keluli tahan karat. Tiang dalam
kumpulan pertama dan kedua telah diikat masing-masing dengan zink
fosfat dan simen resin komposit. Teras komposit dibuat ke atas spesimen
tersebut dan kemudian dikukuhkan dengan gelang nikel-kromium. Spesimen
dikitarhaba dan kemudian dinaikkan pada 135o sehingga
kegagalan diperhatikan. Data yang diperoleh untuk rintangan retak
dan mod kegagalan dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dua hala dan ujian khi kuasa
dua. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa simen fosfat zink mengakibatkan
rintangan retak yang agak tinggi. Walau bagaimanapun, ikatan tiang
gigi dengan resin komposit memberikan lebih kegagalan yang boleh
dipulihkan dalam gigi dirawat secara endodontik. Selain itu, gigi
yang dipulihkan melalui tiang gentian menunjukkan rintangan retak
yang diinginkan dengan lebih banyak mod kegagalan yang boleh dipulihkan,
berbanding dengan kumpulan yang dipulihkan melalui titanium atau
tiang keluli tahan karat.
Kata kunci: Rintangan retak; simen pergigian; tiang pergigian
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