Sains Malaysiana 45(12)(2016): 1869–1877


Analisis Perubahan Guna Tanah dan Litupan Bumi di Gombak, Selangor Menggunakan Data Penderiaan Jauh

(Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Gombak, Selangor Using Remote

Sensing Data)




Pusat Penyelidikan Kelestarian Sosial, Pembangunan & Persekitaran (SEEDS), Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi,

Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 27 November 2015/Accepted: 22 July 2016



Penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk mengesan perubahan guna tanah dan litupan bumi (LULC) di daerah Gombak, Selangor melalui pendekatan penderiaan jauh. Perbandingan data siri masa antara tahun 1989-1999, 1999-2014 dan 1989-2014 telah dilakukan bagi melihat perubahan LULC. Data yang digunakan ialah imej satelit Landsat (TM dan OLI-TIRS) dan Peta Guna Tanah Selangor 1990 terbitan Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia. Guna tanah dibahagikan kepada lima kategori utama, iaitu badan air, hutan, getah, kelapa sawit dan tepu bina. Penilaian ketepatan antara LULC hasil daripada pengelasan imej penderiaan jauh dengan peta guna tanah 1990 dikira berdasarkan Koeffisien Kappa menerusi teknik ralat matrik dan nilai ketepatan adalah 74.5%. Analisis GIS ke atas imej pasca klasifikasi menunjukkan perubahan sebenar LULC bagi tahun perbandingan 1989-1999 ialah 13.69%, seterusnya meningkat kepada 18.65% bagi tahun 1999-2014 dan terus meningkat bagi tahun bandingan 1989-2014, iaitu 24.25%. Guna tanah getah mengalami perubahan sebenar paling tinggi berbanding guna tanah lain dengan -47.73% bagi tahun bandingan 1989-1999, manakala tahun bandingan 1999-2014 menunjukkan guna tanah tepu bina mengalami perubahan paling tinggi dengan +44.53% dan pada tahun 1989-2014 pula guna tanah getah mengalami perubahan sebenar paling tinggi sebanyak -34.6%. Kemerosotan guna tanah getah sangat ketara di daerah Gombak dan mempunyai kaitan dengan peningkatan kawasan guna tanah tepu bina. Secara umumnya, pola perubahan guna tanah dan litupan bumi di daerah Gombak selari dengan perkembangan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan semasa oleh pihak berkuasa.


Kata kunci: Imej satelit; Landsat; penilaian ketepatan; perubahan guna tanah/litupan bumi



The purpose of this study was to examine the land use and land cover changes (LULC) in Gombak, Selangor by using remote sensing approach. Comparison of time series data between years of 1989-1999, 1999-2014 and 1989-2014 have been carried out to identify the changes of LULC. The data used in this study were Landsat satellite imagery (TM and OLI-TIRS) and the Selangor Landuse Map 1990 published by Department of Agriculture. Land uses have been divided into five main categories representing water bodies, forest, rubber, oil palm and built-up areas. An accuracy assessment is calculated for the LULC map derived from image classification techniques and 1990’s Landuse Map based on Coefficient Kappa and error matrix techniques and the result showed accuracy of 74.5%. GIS analysis of the post-classification images showed real changes of LULC in Gombak for the comparative year 1989-1999 is 13.69%, which increased to 18.65% for the year 1999-2014 and continued to rise to 24.25% for the comparative year 1989-2014. Changes in rubber were found to be the highest compared to other categories of LULC, accounted for -47.73% for the year 1989/1999, while 1999-2014 showed that the built-up area has the highest changes at +44.53% and for the year 1989-2014 rubber has the highest change value at -34.6%. The decline of rubber in Gombak can be attributed to the increasing of built-up area which has taken over the agricultural area. In general, the pattern of LULC in Gombak is in line with the expansion and implementation of development by the local authorities.

Keywords: Accuracy assessment; Landsat; land use/land cover change; satellite imagery


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