Sains Malaysiana 45(1)(2016): 43–53

The Relationship between Heavy Metals and Trophic Properties in Sembrong Lake, Johor

(Hubungan antara Logam Berat dan Sifat Trofik di Tasik Sembrong, Johor)





1Institute of Environmental and Water Resource Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor Darul Takzim



2Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur



3Isotope and Tracer Application Group (e-TAG), Division of Environment and Waste Management

Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia), 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


4Department of Geography and Environment, Sultan Idris University of  Education, 35900 Tanjung Malim, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia


5Humid Tropics Centre Kuala Lumpur, No 2 Jalan Ledang Off Jalan Duta, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Received: 10 July 2014/Accepted: 13 November 2014



The relationship between heavy metal and trophic properties in polymictic lake at Sembrong Lake, Peninsular Malaysia was assessed. Sixteen parameters, including heavy metals and trophic parameters were monitored. pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen and heavy metals level changes significantly influenced by the dynamic of polymictic mixing pattern. The mean concentrations of heavy metals in the reservoir decreased in the following order: Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > As > Pb. The result showed that this polymictic lake is being threatened by cultural eutrophication with TSI value range from 72.40 to 80.41 and classified as a hypereutrophic lake. The levels of heavy metal pollution in the reservoir range from slightly polluted to polluted. Factor analysis was performed to determine the relationship between heavy metals and trophic parameters. Five factors were responsible for data structure and explained the 83% of total variance. These factors differentiate each group of parameters according to their common characteristics. Photosynthesis, respiration and redox processes were main factors contributing to the variability of both properties.


Keywords: Cultural eutrophication; factor analysis; heavy metal; hypereutrophic; photosynthesis; polymictic; redox process; respiration



Hubungan antara logam berat dan sifat trofik di tasik polimik di Tasik Sembrong, Semenanjung Malaysia telah dinilai. Enam belas parameter, termasuk logam berat dan parameter trofik telah dipantau. pH, suhu, oksigen terlarut dan tahap perubahan logam berat ketara dipengaruhi secara dinamik oleh corak pergaulan polimik. Min kepekatan logam berat dalam takungan menurun dalam susunan yang berikut: Fe> Mn> Zn> Cu> As> Pb. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa tasik polimik ini sedang diancam oleh eutrofikasi budaya dengan TSI julat nilai 72.40-80.41 dan dikelaskan sebagai tasik hipereutrofik. Tahap pencemaran logam berat dalam pelbagai takungan daripada sedikit tercemar kepada tercemar. Analisis faktor telah dijalankan untuk menentukan hubungan antara logam berat dan parameter trofik. Lima faktor bertanggungjawab untuk  struktur data dan menjelaskan 83% daripada jumlah varians. Faktor-faktor ini membezakan setiap kumpulan parameter mengikut ciri-ciri yang biasa mereka. Proses fotosintesis, pernafasan dan redoks merupakan faktor utama yang menyumbang kepada kepelbagaian kedua-dua sifat.


Kata kunci: Analisis faktor; eutrofikasi budaya; fotosintesis; hipereutrofik; logam berat; pernafasan; polimik; proses redoks



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