Sains Malaysiana 47(6)(2018): 1101–1108
of HSP70 Gene Expression and Determination of Capacitation Status of
Magnetically Separated Cryopreserved Bovine Spermatozoa at Different Thawing
and Time
Ekspresi Gen HSP70 dan Penentuan Status Kapasitasi
Sperma Lembu
yang telah
Dikrioawet pada Suhu Pencairan dan Masa yang Berbeza)
1Department of Biology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti
Teknologi MARA
26400 Bandar Tun Abd Razak Jengka, Pahang Darul
Makmur, Malaysia
2Department of
Biology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
3Department of
Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, UKM Medical Centre, Level 18, Pre-Clinical
Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000
Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
4Faculty of Health
Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz
50300 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
Received: 23 November 2015/Accepted: 10 January 2018
The role of heat shock protein in reproduction is widely known as
a molecular chaperone in aiding and repairing protein formation when stress
occurred. The present objectives were to evaluate the effect of different
thawing temperature and time on the expression of HSP70
gene expression and the capacitation status in cryopreserved bovine
spermatozoa. Briefly, fresh ejaculates were obtained from three different adult
bulls. The semen then underwent a sperm washing technique known as Magnetic
Activated Cell Sorting System (MACS) and later on,
cryopreserved. The sperm- containing straws were then thawed at five different
thawing temperatures and time post-cryostorage; 20°C for 13 s, 37°C for 30 s, 40°C
for 7 s, 60°C for 6 s and 80°C for 5 s. The RNA was
extracted from each of the sperm’s pellets and converted to cDNA prior
to the qPCR process. Capacitation status was then determined by
means of CTC assay. The results showed that after the process of
amplification, there is a significant different of HSP70
gene expression in MACS process samples when the thawing
process was performed at 37°C for 30 s, with p<0.05.
Furthermore, the CTC assay also showed that thawing at
the same temperature gave less capacitated spermatozoa with p<0.05.
As a conclusion, MACS yield spermatozoa with a better
expression of HSP70 gene and less capacitated spermatozoa when thawing
was done at 37°C for 30 s.
Keywords: CTC; heat-shock protein; MAC;
sperm cryopreservation; thawing
Peranan protein kejutan haba dalam pembiakan telah
diketahui secara meluas terutamanya sebagai molekul pengiring dalam
membantu dan memperbaik pembentukan protein apabila tekanan berlaku. Objektif semasa adalah untuk menilai kesan suhu
dan masa pencairan yang berbeza pada ekspresi gen protein HSP70
dan status kapasitasi sperma lembu yang telah dikrioawet. Secara
ringkas, ejakulasi segar diperoleh daripada
tiga lembu jantan dewasa yang berbeza. Air mani
kemudiannya menjalani teknik penyediaan sperma yang dikenali sebagai
Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting System (MACS) dan kemudiannya dikrioawet. Selepas itu, straw yang
mengandungi sperma kemudiannya dicairkan pada lima suhu pencairan
dan masa yang berbeza; 20°C selama 13 s, 37°C selama 30
s, 40°C selama 7 s, 60°C selama 6 s dan 80°C selama
5 s. RNA kemudian diekstrak daripada
pelet sperma dan ditukarkan kepada cDNA sebelum proses qPCR.
Status kapasitasi kemudiannya telah dilakukan
melalui esei CTC.
Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa selepas proses penguatan, ekspresi
gen HSP70
terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan terhadap sperma yang telah menjalani
apabila pencairan dilakukan pada suhu 37°C selama
30 s dengan nilai p<0.05. Tambahan pula,
asai CTC juga menunjukkan bahawa pencairan pada suhu yang sama memberikan sperma yang kurang berkapasiti dengan nilai
p<0.05. Kesimpulannya, MACS boleh memberikan spermatozoa
yang berkualiti baik dengan ekspresi HSP70
yang tinggi dan sperma yang kurang berkapasiti apabila pencairan
dilakukan pada 37°C selama 30 s.
Kata kunci: CTC;
krioawet sperma; MACS; pencairan;
protein kejutan haba
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author; email: sharifahfaezah@pahang.uitm.