Sains Malaysiana 49(9)(2020): 2035-2042


Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris in Anaerobically Digested Dairy Manure Wastewater (ADDMW) for Protein and Chlorophyll Production

(Pengkulturan Chlorella vulgaris dalam Air Buangan Sapi Cernaan Anaerobik (ADDMW) bagi Penghasilan Protein dan Klorofil)




1School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 40132 Bandung, Indonesia


2Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 55281 Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Received: 15 January 2020/Accepted: 15 April 2020



Chlorella vulgaris is a eukaryotic, unicellular green microalgae that can be harvested as protein source since it can contain protein up to 50% of its dry weight. However, its cultivation is costly due to the price of its growth medium. In this research we used bioslurry or known as anaerobically digested dairy manure wastewater (ADDMW) as growth medium for C. vulgaris, since dairy manure is known to contain high nitrogen and phosphorus and its availability relatively abundant in rural areas. The cultivation of C. vulgaris in the ADDMW medium was conducted in lab-scale (19 L) photobioreactors. After 14 days the culture was able to produce chlorophyll content of 34.62 µg/mL, and after 28 days was able to produce protein up to 35% dry weight. Moreover, C. vulgaris was also able to reduce PO4-P, NH4-N and NO3-N levels in ADDMW by 45.95, 78.24 and 17.38%, respectively.


Keywords: ADDMW; Chlorella vulgaris; chlorophyll; phytoremediation; protein



Chlorella vulgaris adalah mikroalgae bersel tunggal yang memiliki kandungan protein sehingga 50% berat keringnya. Namun kos pengkulturan C. vulgaris adalah tinggi kerana medium pengkulturannya yang mahal. Dalam kajian ini, kami menggunakan air buangan sapi cernaan anaerobik daripada proses penghasilan biogas. PengkulturanC. vulgaris dalam medium air buangan sapi cernaan anaerobik (ADDMW) dalam fotobioreaktor (19 L) berskala makmal selama 14 hari dapat menghasilkanC. vulgaris dengan kandungan klorofil 34.62 µg/mL dan dalam 28 hari dapat menghasilkan C. vulgaris dengan kadar protein 35% berat kering. Selain itu, kultur C. vulgaris dalam medium ADDMW dapat menurunkan kadar PO4-P, NH4-N dan NO3-N ADDMW masing-masing sebanyak 45.95, 78.24 dan 17.38%.


Kata kunci: ADDMW; Chlorella vulgaris; fitopemulihan; klorofil; protein



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