Sains Malaysiana 50(6)(2021): 1599-1608


Komunikasi Pendek: Penanaman Cendawan Jerami Volvariella volvacea menggunakan Sisa Biojisim Pisang

(Short Communication: Cultivation of Straw Mushroom Volvariella volvacea using Banana Biomass Waste)




1Jabatan Biologi, Fakulti Sains dan Matematik, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tg. Malim, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia


2Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Kedah Telok Chengai, Jalan Kuala Kedah, 06600 Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia

3Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, Bangi, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 1 January 2020/Accepted: 6 November 2020



Di Malaysia, penanaman cendawan Volvariella volvacea secara komersial telah bermula pada tahun 2014. Pada peringkat awal, jerami padi telah digunakan sebagai media pertumbuhan. Walau bagaimanapun, penggunaan jerami padi telah didapati mempunyai beberapa kelemahan seperti kurang kebolehdapatan di seluruh negara, bermusim, hasil kutipan rendah dan penyediaan media yang rumit kerana memerlukan proses pemotongan dan perendaman dalam air kapur. Dalam tahun kebelakangan ini, tandan buah kosong kelapa sawit (TBK) didapati mampu memberikan hasil kutipan yang lebih tinggi berbanding jerami padi. Proses penyediaan media TBK juga lebih ringkas, tidak memerlukan pemotongan ke saiz kecil. Kos penyediaan media TBK adalah rendah secara relatif memandangkan TBK banyak diperoleh sebagai sisa kilang minyak sawit sepanjang tahun.  Selain jerami padi dan TBK, penggunaan biojisim lain seperti daun pisang kering yang terbukti berjaya di negara Filipina dan Ghana, belum pernah dilaporkan dalam domain umum di Malaysia. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menguji kebolehlaksanaan penanaman V. volvacea menggunakan sisa biojisim pisang. Kebolehmandirian V. volvacea dikaji menggunakan kaedah batas dan bakul di lapangan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa kaedah batas memberikan hasil kutipan cendawan yang lebih tinggi berbanding kaedah bakul. Secara purata, 2.5 kg cendawan segar berjaya diperoleh daripada setiap batas tanaman. Oleh kerana setiap batas dibina daripada 24 kg daun pisang kering, Koefisien Pertukaran Biologi (KPB) bagi kaedah ini adalah 10.4% manakala KBP bagi kaedah bakul adalah lebih rendah secara ketara pada 8.3% (1.0 kg cendawan segar/12 kg media). Walaupun banyak pemboleh ubah kajian memerlukan pengoptimuman pada masa akan datang, kajian ini berjaya memperoleh data asas untuk dijadikan kerangka rujukan bagi penanaman cendawan V. volvacea secara integrasi dengan tanaman pisang. Menggunakan konsep permakultur, sisa biojisim daripada ladang pisang boleh digunakan secara mampan bagi penanaman cendawan V. volvacea untuk menjana pendapatan baharu.


Kata kunci: Biojisim; cendawan jerami; pisang; sisa; Volvariella volvacea



In Malaysia, commercial cultivation of Volvariella volvacea mushroom started in the year of 2014. At the beginning, rice straw biomass was used as a growth media. However, the application of rice straw biomass has several disadvantages such as low availability throughout the country, seasonal, low yield, and complex media preparation since it requires cutting and soaking in lime solution. In recent years, oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) was found to give higher mushroom yield than that of a rice straw. The process of media preparation using EFB is simpler without the need of any size modification. EFB is also abundant as waste from palm oil mills, and it could be obtained at relatively low cost all year round. Besides rice straw and EFB, application of other biomass such as dry banana leaf, which was proven to be successful in the Philippines and Ghana, but has yet been reported in Malaysia’s public domains. This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of V. volvacea mushroom cultivation using banana biomass waste. The survival of the V. volvacea mushrooms was studied by cultivation using bed and basket methods in the field. The results showed that the bed planting method yielded higher fresh mushrooms than the basket method. An average of 2.5 kg fresh mushrooms was obtained from each media bed. Each media bed was built with 24 kg of dried banana leaf, therefore, the Biological Conversion Efficiency (BCE) of this method was 10.4%. For basket method, the BCE was significantly lower at 8.3% (1.0 kg fresh mushroom/12 kg media). Although many of the study parameters could be optimized in the future, this study has successfully garnered baseline data as reference framework for the integrative cultivation of V. volvacea mushrooms with banana crop. Using the permaculture concept, biomass waste from banana plantation can be sustainably applied to plant V. volvacea mushrooms for new income generation.


Keywords: Biomass; banana; straw mushroom; Volvariella volvacea; waste



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