Sains Malaysiana 51(3)(2022): 643-656


Phylogenetic Relationships of the Orchid Genus Coelogyne in Peninsular Malaysia Inferred from Morphological Characteristics and Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Sequence Data

(Hubungan Filogenetik Genus Orkid Coelogyne di Semenanjung Malaysia Disimpulkan daripada Ciri Morfologi dan Data Jujukan Internal Transcribed Spaces (ITS))




1Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

  2Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 3 February 2021/Accepted: 23 July 2021



The phylogenetic relationships among the Peninsular Malaysian orchid genus Coelogyne were studied by morphological characteristics and sequence data of the internal transcribed region (ITS) from the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). Coelogyne is a large genus of about 200 species distributed in pantropical areas from the Himalayas, Sri Lanka, India, Southern China and throughout South East Asia to Papua New Guinea. The widely accepted previous classification system was exclusively based on floral morphology. There were very few molecular systematic studies of Coelogyne done in Peninsular Malaysia thus far. In this study, 59 Coelogyne samples were collected throughout Peninsular Malaysia and 57 of them were identified to the species level. To study the phylogeny of this genus, morphological characters were utilized together with molecular evidences to generate the systematic hypotheses. Cluster analysis was performed using both the vegetative and floral characters. The results showed that three sections of Peninsular Malaysian Coelogyne, namely Longifoliae, Speciosae, and Fuliginosae were sister groups which were more closely related by forming one clade by itself. Another clade consisted of four other sections, namely Flaccidae, Coelogynae, Tomentosae, and Verrucosae. Molecular phylogenies obtained by using the Neighbour-Joining method showed the close relationship between the sections Tomentosae and Verrucosae, whereas usage of the Maximum Likelihood method demonstrated that three sections, namely Longifoliae, Speciosae, and Fuliginosae, were sister groups since they formed a single clade.


Keywords: Molecular systematics; neighbour-joining; Orchidaceae; species delimitation



Hubungan filogenetik antara orkid genus Coelogyne Semenanjung Malaysia telah dikaji berdasarkan ciri morfologi dan data jujukaninternal transcribed region (ITS) daripada DNA ribosom nukleus (nrDNA). Coelogyne adalah genus besar dengan kira-kira 200 spesies yang tersebar di kawasan pantropika dari Himalaya, Sri Lanka, India, China Selatan dan seluruh Asia Tenggara hingga ke Papua New Guinea. Sistem pengelasan yang diterima luas sebelum ini adalah berdasarkan kepada morfologi bunga. Sehingga kini, terdapat hanya sedikit kajian sistematik molekul pada genus Coelogyne yang terdapat di Semenanjung Malaysia. Dalam kajian ini, 59 sampel Coelogyne dikumpulkan dari seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia dan 57 daripadanya telah dikenal pasti ke peringkat spesies. Untuk mengkaji filogeni genus ini, ciri-ciri morfologi dan bukti molekul digunakan untuk menghasilkan hipotesis sistematik. Analisis kelompok dilakukan dengan menggunakan ciri-ciri vegetatif dan bunga. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa Coelogyne Semenanjung Malaysia terdiri daripada tiga seksyen, iaitu Longifoliae, Speciosae dan Fuliginosae yang merupakan kumpulan saudara yang lebih berkait rapat dengan membentuk satu klad tersendiri. Klad lain terdiri daripada empat seksyen lagi, iaitu Flaccidae, Coelogynae, Tomentosae dan Verrucosae. Filogeni molekul yang diperoleh melalui kaedah Jiran Menyambung mendedahkan hubungan rapat antara seksyen Tomentosae dan Verrucosae, namun penggunaan kaedah kebolehjadian maksimum menunjukkan bahawa tiga seksyen, iaitu Longifoliae, Speciosae dan Fuliginosae adalah kumpulan saudara kerana mereka membentuk satu klad berasingan.


Kata kunci: Jiran menyambung; Orchidaceae; persempadanan spesies; sistematik molekul



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