Sains Malaysiana 48(4)(2019): 813–822
Lead Accumulation and Its Histological Impact on Cymodocea serrulata Seagrass in the Laboratory
(Pengumpulan Plumbum dan Kesan Histologinya pada
Rumpai Laut Cymodocea serrulata dalam Makmal)
1Water Resources Management,
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Brawijaya
Malang, Malang 65145, Indonesia
2Water Resources Management,
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Lambung
Mangkurat, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
3Biology, Faculty of Mathematic
and Sciences, University of Malang, Malang 65145, Indonesia
14 November 2018/Diterima: 17 Februari 2019
The purpose of this study was to
determine the concentration of lead (Pb) in Cymodocea serrulata tissues
(roots, rhizomes, and leaves) using the AAS method, also to figure out
Pb’s impact on seagrass’ histology and elements using the SEM-EDX Mapping
method. The results showed that the higher the concentration and the length of
the planting period, the higher the accumulation of heavy metals in the
seagrass tissues. In this study, Pb was largely accumulated in the leaves,
roots, and rhizomes tissue. Moreover, the seagrass histology in the epidermis
and endodermis underwent shape and structure changes; it also went through
damage or thickening at 15 ppm concentration, compared to control. This study
strengthens the usefulness and relationship of Cymodocea serrulata seagrass
as a biological indicator of metal contamination in the waters.
Keywords: Cymodocea
serrulata; lead; mapping; seagrass; SEM-EDX
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk
menentukan kepekatan plumbum (Pb) di dalam tisu Cymodocea
serrulata (akar, rizom dan daun) menggunakan kaedah AAS,
serta mengkaji kesan Pb pada histologi dan unsur rumpai laut menggunakan kaedah
pemetaan SEM-EDX. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa semakin tinggi
kepekatan dan tempoh penanaman yang lama, semakin tinggi pengumpulan logam
berat dalam tisu rumpai laut. Dalam kajian ini, Pb banyak terkumpul di bahagian
tisu daun, akar dan rizom. Selain itu, histologi rumpai laut di epidermis dan
endodermis mengalami perubahan bentuk dan struktur; ia juga mengalami kerosakan
atau penebalan pada kepekatan 15 ppm, berbanding dengan kawalan. Kajian ini
mengukuhkan lagi kegunaan rumpai laut jenis Cymodocea serrulata sebagai
penanda biologi untuk mengesan pencemaran logam dalam laut.
Kata kunci: Cymodocea serrulata; pemetaan; plumbum; rumpai laut; SEM-EDX
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untuk surat-menyurat; email: