Sains Malaysiana 51(3)(2022): 783-793

Hypoglycaemic and Protective Effects of Benincasa hispida Aqueous Extract in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
(Kesan Hipoglisemik dan Pelindungan Ekstrak Benincasa hispida pada Tikus Teraruh Streptozotocin)


1Food Technology Department, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, KM1, Jalan Panchor, 84000 Pagoh, Muar, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia

2Nutrition and Dietetics Programme, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia

3Biomedicine Programme, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia

  4Department of Community Medicine, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia,

16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia

Diserahkan: 4 November 2020/Diterima: 27 Julai 2021



Benincasa hispida (BH) contains a range of compounds which play important roles in treating human illnesses. This study was undertaken to evaluate the hypoglycaemic and protective effects of BH fruit on diabetes mellitus (DM) rats. The dose of 250 mg/kg of B. hispida aqueous extract (BHE) is the most effective dose in decreasing blood glucose level (BGL). After eight weeks of treatment, the BGL of BHE-treated DM rats (21.4±1.0 mmol/l) was found to be significantly lower than control DM rats (30.1±3.8 mmol/l). The weight of BHE-treated rats was also higher compared to the other DM groups. Overall, the biochemical evaluation of BHE-treated rats such as lipid profile, liver function test, kidney function test and HbA1c showed an improvement in biomarker values compared to the other groups. There were enhancements in liver and kidney structures of the BHE-treated group compared to those with metformin treatment, which indicated the protective effects of BH on the impaired organ structure. These findings suggest that BHE treatment exerts hypoglycaemic and protective effects in DM by decreasing the BGL, improving weight and biochemical parameters, as well as protecting liver and kidney from serious damage.


Keywords: Benincasa hispida; diabetes mellitus; hypoglycaemic; protective effect



Benincasa hispida (BH) mengandungi pelbagai jenis sebatian yang berperanan penting dalam merawat penyakit manusia. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menilai kesan hipoglisemik dan perlindungan buah BH terhadap tikus yang berpenyakit diabetes mellitus (DM). Sebanyak 250 mg/kg ekstrak akues B. hispida (BHE) adalah dos paling berkesan yang menurunkan paras gula darah (BGL). Selepas lapan minggu rawatan, paras BGL tikus yang dirawat dengan BHE (21.4±1.0 mmol/l) turun secara signifikan berbanding tikus DM kawalan (30.1±3.8 mmol/l). Berat tikus yang dirawat dengan BHE juga tinggi berbanding lain-lain tikus daripada kumpulan DM. Secara keseluruhannya, penilaian biokimia tikus yang dirawat dengan BHE seperti profil lipid, ujian fungsi hati, ujian fungsi ginjal dan HbA1c menunjukkan penambahbaikan nilai biopenanda berbanding lain-lain kumpulan. Struktur hati dan ginjal tikus yang dirawat dengan BHE juga lebih baik berbanding yang dirawat dengan metformin, menunjukkan kesan perlindungan BH terhadap struktur organ yang terjejas. Keputusan kajian mencadangkan rawatan BHE mempunyai kesan hipoglisemik dan perlindungan daripada DM dengan menurunkan BGL, memperbaiki berat badan dan parameter biokimia serta melindungi hati dan ginjal daripada kerosakan yang serius.


Kata kunci: Benincasa hispida; diabetes mellitus; hipoglisemik; kesan perlindungan



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