Sains Malaysiana
38(3): 295-304(2009)
Composition and Groundwater Pollution at Municipal Solid
Waste Landfill
of Ibb City, Yemen
(Komposisis Larut Lesap
Bahan Buangan dan Pencemaran Air Bawah
Tanah di Tapak Pelupusan
Sisa Pepejal Bandar Ibb, Yemen)
Esmail Al Sabahi*, Abdul Rahim S, Wan Zuhairi W.Y. & Fores Alshaebi
Geology Programme, School of Environment and Natural
Resource Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi Selangor, Malaysia
Fadhil Al Norzaily
Water and Environment Center, Sana'a University
Republic of Yemen
Received: 24 March 2008/Accepted: 17 October 2008
Compositions of landfill leachate and groundwater pollution were
studied at Ibb landfill, which is located at Al-Sahool area, north of Ibb City,
Yemen. The leachate was sampled at three
different locations at the landfill, i.e. at the landfill itself and at 15 and
20 m downstream of the landfill. Groundwater samples were collected from five
boreholes to study the possible impact of leachate percolation into the
groundwater. The leachate and groundwater samples were collected during wet
season, due to the excessive generation of leachate during this season. The
objective of this paper is to evaluate the groundwater pollution due to the landfill
leachate. The leachate and groundwater were physically and chemically
characterised. The parameters measured were pH, temperature, electrical
conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO),
fluoride (F), chloride (Cl), sulphate (SO4), nitrites (NO2),
nitrates (NO3), ammonia-N (NH3-N), heavy metals (Pb, Zn,
Ni, Cr, Cd dan Cu), major cations (Na, Mg, Ca, K and Fe) and biological
parameters (COD and BOD5). The
leachate at this landfill is most likely in methanogenic phase, based on the
alkaline pH value recorded (pH=8.2). The results show
that four out of five boreholes are
contaminated, where the concentration of physico-chemical parameters are above the
standard acceptable
levels which are required for drinking water adapted by Yemen's Ministry of
Water and Environment (YMWE, 1999). Therefore, detailed study of the leachate and its effect to the groundwater in
the study area is recommended.
Keywords: groundwater;
heavy metals; Ibb landfill; pollution
Kajian tentang
komposisi sisa larut lesap bahan buangan yang terhasil dari tapak pelupusan
sisa pepejal dan pencemaran air bawah tanah telah dijalankan di tapak pelupusan
sisa Ibb yang terletak di kawasan Al-Sahool, bahagian utara Bandar Ibb,
Yemen. Pensampelan sisa larut lesap
bahan buangan ini dibuat pada tiga kawasan yang berasingan pada tapak pelupusan
sisa tersebut iaitu di kawasan tapak pelupusan itu sendiri dan kawasan yang
terletak sejauh 15 dan 20 meter ke hilir tapak pelupusan tersebut. Pensampelan air bawah tanah di ambil dari
lima lubang gerudi untuk mengkaji kemungkinan kemasukan sisa larut lesap ke
dalam air bawah tanah tersebut. Sampel
sisa larut resap dan air bawah tanah hanya diambil pada musim hujan. Objektif
kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pencemaran air bawah tanah oleh bahan larut lesap
daripada tapak pelupusan. Sampel larut resap dan air bawah tanah ini dicirikan
secara fizikal dan kimia. Antara parameter yang diukur ialah pH, suhu,
kekonduksian arus elektrik (EC), jumlah pepejal terlarut (TDS), oksigen
terlarut (DO), fluorida (F), klorida (CI), sulfat (SO4), nitrit (NO3),
amonia-N (NH3-N), logam berat (Pb, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd dan Cu), kation major (Na,
Mg, Ca, K dan Fe) dan parameter biologi (COD dan BOD5). Bahan larut lesap di tapak pelupusan ini
terletak dalam kategori fasa metanogenik berdasarkan kepada nilai pH yang
bersifat alkali yang direkodkan (pH=8.2). Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa empat
daripada lima lubang gerudi telah tercemar dengan kepekatan parameter
fizikal-kimia air adalah lebih tinggi daripada nilai piawai air yang selamat
diminum yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Air dan Sekitaran Yemen. Oleh
itu kajian terperinci terhadap bahan sisa larut lesap dan kesan pencemaran ke
atas air permukaan dan air bawah tanah disyorkan.
Katakunci: Air
bawah tanah; logam berat; tapak pelupusan Ibb
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