Sains Malaysiana 42(9)(2013): 1247–1251


Acute Toxicity Study of Cosmos caudatus on Biochemical Parameters in Male Rats

(Kajian Ketoksikan Akut Cosmos caudatus ke Atas Parameter Biokimia di Dalam Tikus Jantan)


M. Norazlina*, S.Z. Ehsan, K. Noor ‘Adilah, C.P. Lee, E. Farhana, P. Derick, S. Ima-Nirwana,

A.S. Nazrun & M. Norliza

Department of Pharmacology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre

Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Received: 1 March 2012 /Accepted: 8 March 2013



Cosmos caudatus or ‘ulam raja’ is a local plant with antioxidant properties and has the potential to treat free radicals-associated diseases. However, its toxic effects need to be elucidated. Acute toxicity study was carried out in male rats. Rats aged 3 months, weighing 150-200 g were divided into 4 groups, i.e. rats being fed on distilled water (control), Cosmos caudatus extract dose 50 mg/kg (CC50), Cosmos caudatus 500 mg/kg (CC500) and Cosmos caudatus 2000 mg/kg (CC2000), respectively. A single treatment was given to the respective groups and the animals were sacrificed after 7 days. Biochemical parameters before and after treatment were measured. Liver enzymes, i.e. alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and alanine transaminase (ALT), were found to be increased post treatment in CC500 and CC2000 groups. Creatinine levels were lower in CC500 and CC2000 groups post treatment compared with control group while albumin levels were lower in CC2000 group than all the other groups. In conclusion, Cosmos caudatus may cause acute hepatotoxicity at high doses.


Keywords: Acute toxicity; biochemical parameters; Cosmos caudatus



Cosmos caudatus atau ulam raja merupakan tumbuhan tempatan yang mempunyai aktiviti antioksidan dan berpotensi untuk merawat penyakit yang dikaitkan dengan radikal bebas. Walau bagaimanapun, kesan toksiknya perlu ditentukan. Kajian ketoksikan akut telah dilakukan ke atas tikus jantan. Tikus berusia 3 bulan, dengan berat badan 150-200 g dibahagikan kepada 4 kumpulan, iaitu tikus yang dirawat dengan air suling (kawalan), ekstrak  Cosmos caudatus pada dos 50 mg/kg (CC50), Cosmos caudatus 500 mg/kg (CC500) dan Cosmos caudatus 2000 mg/kg (CC2000), masing-masing. Satu dos rawatan telah diberikan dan tikus dikorbankan selepas 7 hari. Parameter biokimia sebelum dan selepas rawatan telah ditentukan. Enzim hepar iaitu alkalin fosfatase (ALP) dan alanin transaminase (ALT), didapati meningkat selepas rawatan untuk kumpulan CC500 dan CC2000. Aras kreatinin didapati lebih rendah di dalam kumpulan CC500 dan CC2000 selepas rawatan berbanding kumpulan kawalan manakala aras albumin didapati rendah dalam kumpulan CC2000 berbanding kumpulan-kumpulan lain. Kesimpulannya, Cosmos caudatus mungkin menyebabkan hepatotoksisiti akut pada dos yang tinggi.


Kata kunci: Cosmos caudatus; ketoksikan akut; parameter biokimia


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