Sains Malaysiana 44(7)(2015): 1027–1032
Detection in a Circular Regression Model
Terpencil dalam
Model Regresi Berkeliling)
1Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, University of Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2Centre for Defence Foundation Studies, National Defence
University of Malaysia
Kem Sungai Besi, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Received: 19 September
2014/Accepted: 6 February 2015
Recently, there is strong interest
on the subject of outlier problem in circular data. In this paper,
we focus on detecting outliers in a circular regression model proposed
by Down and Mardia. The basic properties
of the model are available including the exact form of covariance
matrix of the parameters. Hence, we intend to identify outliers
in the model by looking at the effect of the outliers on the covariance
matrix. The method resembles closely the COVRATIO
statistic for the case of linear regression problem. The corresponding
critical values and the performance of the outlier detection procedure
are studied via simulations. For illustration, we apply the procedure
on the wind data set.
Keywords: Circular; circular
regression; COVRATIO; influential observation;
Pada masa ini, terdapat
minat yang mendalam
pada subjek masalah
terpencil dalam
data berkeliling. Dalam
kertas ini,
kami menumpukan untuk mengesan pencilan dalam satu model regresi berkeliling yang dicadangkan oleh Down dan Mardia.
Sifat asas model
yang disediakan termasuk parameter bentuk matriks kovarians yang tepat. Oleh itu, kami berhasrat untuk mengenal pasti pencilan dalam model ini dengan melihat kesan daripada pencilan dalam matriks kovarians. Kaedah ini hampir menyerupai
statistik COVRATIO bagi kes masalah
regresi linear. Nilai kritikal
sepadan dan
prestasi prosedur pengesanan pencilan dikaji melalui simulasi. Untuk ilustrasi, kami menggunakan prosedur set data angin.
Kata kunci: Berkeliling;
regresi berkeliling;
COVRATIO; pemerhatian
berpengaruh; terpencil
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*Corresponding author; email: