Sains Malaysiana 45(11)(2016): 1641–1647
Histological Analysis of Motoneuron Survival and Microglia
Inhibition after Nerve Root Avulsion Treated with Nerve Graft
Implantation and Minocycline: An Experimental Study
(Analisis Histologi Kemandirian Motoneuron dan Perencatan
Mikroglia selepas Avulsi Akar Saraf Dirawat dengan Penempelan
Tisu Cantuman dan Minosiklin: Suatu Kajian Eksperimen)
1Center for Neuroscience
Service and Research, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Kubang Kerian 2, 16150 Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia
2Department of Neurosciences,
School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Kubang Kerian 2,
16150 Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia
3School of Medical
Sciences, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian,
Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia
4Department of Anatomy,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, China
Received: 8 September
2014/Accepted: 24 March 2016
Motor vehicle accidents are
the most common cause of injuries involving avulsion of the brachial
plexus in humans, resulting in debilitating motor dysfunction.
Lack of an established animal model to test drug treatments hinders
the introduction of new pharmacological agents. Avulsion injury
of cervical ventral roots can be replicated in rats, resulting
in a progressive loss of the motoneurons and increase in neurotoxic
expression of microglia. This is a report on the effect of prompt
nerve implantation and minocycline treatment on the suppression
of microglia activation and survival of motoneurons. 20 adult
female Sprague-Dawley rats were used for this study, which was
approved by the Animal Ethical Committee, USM
(approval number /2011/(73)(346)). The animals underwent
surgical avulsion of the C6 nerve root, followed by reimplantation
with peripheral nerve graft and treatment with intraperitoneal
minocycline. At 6 weeks postoperatively, immunohistochemistry
using primary antibody Iba1 (microglia) and nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPh)
with neutral-red staining (motoneuron) under flourescence microscopy
was performed at the C6 spinal cord segment and then quantified.
This study showed significant reduction of microglia expression in the study group; mean
ranks of control and study group were 15.2 and 11.6, respectively;
U=9.5, Z=3.02, p<0.05. However, this did not translate
into a significant increase of motoneuron survival in the
combined group; the mean ranks of control and study group were
40.6 and 41.6, respectively; U=44.5, Z=-.0378, p>0.05.
This may be due to the effect of the surgery; the surgery has
the potential to cause additional trauma to the cord parenchyma,
leading to further motoneuron loss and an increase in scarring
around the avulsed region, thus impeding regeneration of the motoneuron.
Keywords: Avulsion; microglia;
minocycline; motoneuron; peripheral nerve implantation
Kemalangan kenderaan bermotor
adalah punca paling biasa kecederaan yang melibatkan avulsi pleksus
brakium pada manusia yang mengakibatkan kelemahan fungsi motor.
Kekurangan model haiwan yang mantap untuk menguji rawatan ubat
menghalang pengenalan agen baru farmakologi. Kecederaan avulsi
pangkal rahim ventral akar boleh direplikasi pada tikus yang mengakibatkan
kehilangan motoneuron secara progresif dan peningkatan dalam pengekspresan
neurotoksik mikroglia. Kertas ini membincangkan tentang kesan
implantasi saraf pantas dan rawatan minosiklin ke atas penidasan
pengaktifan mikroglia dan kemandirian motoneuron. 20 tikus dewasa
betina Sprague-Dawley digunakan untuk kajian ini dan telah diluluskan
oleh Jawatan Kuasa Etika Haiwan, USM (nombor kelulusan/2011/(73)(346)).
Tikus tersebut telah menjalani pembedahan avulsi pada akar saraf
C6, diikuti implantasi semula dengan cantuman saraf periferi dan rawatan dengan minosiklin
intraperitoneum. Selepas 6 minggu pascabedah, imunohistokimia
menggunakan antibodi Iba1 utama (mikroglia) dan nikotinamida adenina
dinukleotida fosfat diaforase (NADPh) dengan pewarnaan merah
neutral (motoneuron) di bawah mikroskop berpendarflour telah dijalankan
pada segmen saraf tunjang C6 dan kemudian dikuantitikan. Kajian
ini menunjukkan penurunan pengekspresan mikroglia yang ketara
dalam kumpulan kajian; pangkat min kumpulan kawalan dan kajian
masing-masing adalah 15.2 dan 11.6; U=9.5, Z=3.02,p<0.05. Walau bagaimanapun, ini tidak pula diterjemahkan kepada
pertambahan ketara kemandirian motoneuron dalam kumpulan gabungan;
pangkat min kumpulan kawalan dan kajian masing-masing adalah sebanyak
40.6 dan 41.6; U=44.5, Z=-.0378,p>0.05. Ini mungkin
disebabkan oleh kesan pembedahan; pembedahan tersebut berpotensi
untuk menyebabkan trauma tambahan kepada parenkima tunjang yang
membawa kepada kehilangan motoneuron lebih banyak dan peningkatan
parut di sekitar kawasan avulsi, oleh itu menghalang pertumbuhan
semula motoneuron.
Kata kunci: Avulsi; mikroglia; minosiklin; motoneuron; penempelan
saraf periferi
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