Sains Malaysiana 47(6)(2018): 1337–1347
Mortality Model: A Practical Approach
(Model Kematian
Berbilang Populasi: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik)
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia
Received: 5 August 2017/Accepted: 10 January 2018
The growing number of multi-population mortality models in the
recent years signifies the mortality improvement in developed countries. In
this case, there exists a narrowing gap of sex-differential in life expectancy
between populations; hence multi-population mortality models are designed to
assimilate the correlation between populations. The present study considers two
extensions of the single-population Lee-Carter model, namely the independent
model and augmented common factor model. The independent model incorporates the
information between male and female separately whereas the augmented common
factor model incorporates the information between male and female
simultaneously. The methods are demonstrated in two perspectives: First is by
applying them to Malaysian mortality data and second is by comparing the
significance of the methods to the annuity pricing. The performances of the two
methods are then compared in which has been found that the augmented common
factor model is more superior in terms of historical fit, forecast performance,
and annuity pricing.
Keywords: Augmented; independent; Lee-Carter; mortality;
Stochastic model
Peningkatan bilangan model kematian berbilang populasi
sejak kebelakangan ini menandakan penambahbaikan tahap kematian
di negara maju. Dalam kes ini, terdapat jurang kecil perbezaan seks
dalam jangka hayat antara populasi, maka model kematian berbilang
populasi direka untuk mengasimilasi hubungan antara populasi. Kajian
ini mempertimbangkan dua lanjutan model tunggal populasi Lee-Carter,
iaitu model bebas dan model faktor umum yang diperkukuhkan. Model
bebas menggabungkan maklumat antara lelaki dan perempuan secara
berasingan manakala model faktor umum yang diperkukuhkan menggabungkan
maklumat antara lelaki dan perempuan secara serentak. Kaedah ini
dapat ditunjukkan dalam dua perspektif: Pertama adalah dengan menggunakannya
untuk data kematian Malaysia dan kedua adalah dengan membandingkan
kepentingan kaedah dengan penentuan harga anuiti. Prestasi kedua-dua
kaedah itu kemudiannya dibandingkan dan telah didapati bahawa model
faktor umum yang diperkukuhkan adalah lebih tinggi daripada segi
kesesuaian sejarah, prestasi ramalan dan penentuan harga anuiti.
Keywords: Bebas; diperkukuhkan; Lee-Carter;
kematian; model stokastik
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