Sains Malaysiana 50(6)(2021): 1787-1798
Comparative Study of
Clustering-Based Outliers Detection Methods in Circular-Circular Regression
(Kajian Perbandingan Kaedah Penetapan Titik Terpencil Berasaskan
Kelompok dalam Model Pendaftaran Lingkaran)
1Centre for Mathematical Sciences College of Computing & Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26300 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur,
2Centre for Foundation Studies in Sciences,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
3Faculty of Defence Sciences and
Technology, National Defence University of Malaysia, Sungai Besi Camp, 57000
Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
7 May 2019/Accepted: 14 October 2020
This paper is a comparative study of several algorithms for
detecting multiple outliers in circular-circular regression model based on the
clustering algorithms. Three measures of similarity based on the circular
distance were used to obtain a cluster tree using the agglomerative
hierarchical methods. A stopping rule for the cluster tree based on the mean
direction and circular standard deviation of the tree height was used as the
cutoff point and classifier to the cluster group that exceeded the stopping rule
as potential outliers. The performances of the algorithms have been
demonstrated using the simulation studies that consider several outlier
scenarios with a certain degree of contamination. Application to real data
using wind data and a simulated data set are given for illustrative purposes.
Thus, it has been found that Satari’s algorithm (S-SL algorithm) performs well
for any values of sample size n and error concentration parameter. The
algorithms are good in identifying outliers which are not limited to one or few
outliers only, but the presence of multiple outliers at one time.
Keywords: Circular distance; circular-circular regression model;
clustering; outliers; stopping rule
Kertas ini membincangkan kajian perbandingan beberapa algoritma
yang mengesan titik terpencil berganda dalam model regresi bulatan berdasarkan
algoritma berkelompok. Tiga ukuran persamaan berasaskan jarak bulatan telah
digunakan bagi mendapatkan pokok kelompok menggunakan algoritma aglomeratif
hierarki. Satu nilai potongan untuk pokok kelompok berdasarkan min terarah dan
sisihan piawai bulatan bagi ketinggian pokok tersebut telah digunakan bagi
mengkelaskan kumpulan kelompok yang melebihi titik potongan ini sebagai titik
terpencil. Prestasi algoritma ini telah diuji dalam kajian simulasi yang
mengambil kira beberapa senario titik terpencil dengan tahap berbeza. Untuk
tujuan illustrasi, satu aplikasi data sebenar menggunakan data angin dan satu
set data simulasi telah diberikan. Kami mendapati algoritma Satari (Algoritma
S-SL) adalah baik untuk sebarang nilai saiz sampel dan parameter menumpu.
Algoritma tersebut adalah baik dalam mengenal pasti titik terpencil atau
berganda pada satu masa.
Kata kunci: Algoritma berkelompok; jarak bulatan; model
regresi bulatan; nilai potongan; titik terpencil
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