Sains Malaysiana 50(9)(2021): 2675-2685


Assessment of Anti-Tyrosinase, Anti-Elastase and Anti-Acetylcholinesterase Properties of Fermented Mango Leaves at Different Maturity Level

(Penilaian Sifat Anti-Tirosinase, Anti-Elastase dan Anti-Asetilkolinesterase Daun Mangga yang Difermentasi pada Tahap Kematangan Berbeza)




Food Science & Technology Research Centre, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development (MARDI), Persiaran MARDI-UPM, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 11 April 2020/Accepted: 10 January 2021



Mango leaves are known to possess many health benefits but the industry only focused on mango fruit production, resulting in abundant leaves being underutilized. In this study, we managed to transform mango leaves into a new fermented drink, which has a pleasant taste through the bio-fermentation process. Different maturity levels of mango leaves were selected; premature leaves (light brown, LBML), intermediate mature leaves (light green, LGML) and mature leaves (green, ML), which were subjected to a fermentation process using bacteria and yeast. Tannin content, organic acids profile and various enzymes functionality activities (e.g. inhibition of tyrosinase, elastase and acetylcholinesterase) studies were determined on fermented mango leaves drink. The reduction of tannins content in all fermented mango leaves resulted in a less astringent taste as a consequence of the microbial action to break down tannins. Acetic, oxalic, kojic and quinic acid are some of the organic acids detected in fermented mango leaves that contributed to its slightly acidic taste. In comparison to non-fermented mango leaves, all fermented samples, particularly LBML drink showed a significant improvement (P<0.05) in tyrosinase inhibition (87.96%). Fermented mango leaves also exhibited good inhibition activity towards elastase (>80%) and acetylcholinesterase (>90%). Further histopathology examination on various rat’s organs (kidney, liver, spleen, and stomach) showed no sign of inflammation symptoms. Through limit toxicological evaluation, the safety consumption rate (IC50 value) for fermented mango leaves was 1000 mL/50 kg of human bodyweight. The improvement functionality activities of fermented mango leaves with a higher inhibition rate against tyrosinase, elastase, and acetylcholinesterase indicate its great potential as a food remedy for anti-ageing treatment.

Keywords: Organic acids; tannin content; toxicity effect



Daun mangga diketahui mempunyai banyak manfaat kesihatan tetapi industri hanya mementingkan pengeluaran buah mangga, menyebabkan banyak daun mangga yang tidak digunakan sebaiknya. Dalam kajian ini, kami berjaya menambahbaik daun mangga dengan menghasilkan minuman fermentasi baharu yang mempunyai rasa yang menyenangkan melalui proses bio-fermentasi. Daun mangga dengan kematangan yang berbeza telah dipilih: daun pramatang (coklat muda, LBML); daun matang perantaraan (hijau muda, LGML) dan daun matang (hijau, ML) dan menjalani proses penapaian menggunakan kultur campuran bakteria dan yis. Kandungan tanin, profil asid organik dan pelbagai aktiviti berfungsi enzim (contoh: perencatan tirosinase, elastase dan asetilkolinesterase) dikaji pada minuman mangga difermentasi. Pengurangan kandungan tanin pada semua daun mangga yang difermentasi telah menyebabkan kurang rasa pahit akibat tindakan penguraian tanin oleh mikroorganisma. Asid asetik, oksalat, kojik dan kuinik yang dikesan di dalam daun mangga difermentasi menyumbang kepada rasa yang bersifat sedikit berasid. Secara perbandingan, kepada daun mangga yang tidak difermentasi, terutamanya minuman LBML menunjukkan peningkatan (P<0.05) terhadap perencatan tirosinase (87.96%). Daun mangga yang difermentasi juga menunjukkan aktiviti perencatan yang baik terhadap aktiviti elastase (>8%) dan asetilkolinesterase (>90%). Tambahan pula, kajian histopatologi terhadap pelbagai organ tikus (buah pinggang, hati, limpa dan perut) menunjukkan tiada gejala keradangan. Melalui penilaian had keracunan toksikologi, kadar penggunaan selamat (nilai IC50) untuk daun mangga terfermentasi adalah 1000 mL/50 kg berat badan manusia. Peningkatan aktiviti berfungsi ke atas daun mangga difermentasi dengan kadar perencatan yang tinggi terhadap tirosinase, elastase dan asetilkolinesterase menunjukkan potensi yang besar sebagai makanan kesihatan untuk rawatan anti-penuaan.

Kata kunci: Asid organik; kandungan tanin; kesan kesitotoksikan



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