Sains Malaysiana 47(3)(2018): 611–618


Absorption, Distribution and Elimination Behaviours of Cadmium Treated by in vitro DIN from WLP Residue using SAAM II Modeling

(Proses Penyerapan, Pengedaran dan Perkumuhan bagi Kadmium yang Dirawat dengan in vitro DIN daripada Residu WLP dengan Menggunakan Pemodelan SAAM II)





Pusat Pengajian Fizik Gunaan, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43900 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 12 September 2017/Accepted: 17 October 2017




Mathematically, the human alimentary tract organs were simplified in the model structure as separate compartments with pathways of transfer that are kinetically homogenous and equally distributed. The development of gastro-compartment model follows the first order kinetics of differential equations to describe cadmium absorption, distribution and elimination in the human digestive system. With the aid of in vitro DIN assay, an artificial gastric and gastrointestinal fluid were prepared using water leach purification (WLP) residue as a sample that contained toxic metals cadmium. The Simulation, Analysis and Modelling II (SAAM II) V2.1 software is employed to design models easily, simulate experiments quickly and analyze data accurately. Based on the experimental inputs and fractional transfer rates parameter incorporated to the gastro-compartment model, the concentration of cadmium against time profile curves were plotted as the model output. The curve presented concentration of cadmium in both gastric and gastrointestinal fluid where initially absorption phase (first hour) occurred followed by the distribution phase (second to third hours) and elimination process (third to fifth hours). The concentration of cadmium obtained from the simulated model structures was in good agreement with the fitted model predicted measurements as statistical t-test conducted showed the values were not significantly different. Therefore, modeling approach with SAAM II software gave realistic and better estimation of cadmium dissolution into the human gastrointestinal tract.


Keywords: Cadmium; compartmental model; in vitro DIN; SAAM II




Dengan kaedah matematik, organ saluran pencernaan manusia boleh dipermudahkan dengan menggunakan struktur model sebagai ruang berasingan dilengkapi dengan laluan pemindahan yang bersifat homogen dan diedarkan secara sama rata. Pembangunan model gastro-ruang dibina dengan kaedah persamaan pembezaan kinetik tertib pertama bagi menghuraikan proses penyerapan kadmium, pengedaran dan perkumuhan dalam sistem pencernaan manusia. Dengan bantuan teknik cerakin in vitro DIN, cecair gastrik dan gastrousus tiruan telah disediakan menggunakan sisa pemurnian larut lesap air (WLP) sebagai sampel yang mengandungi logam bertoksik kadmium. Perisian Simulasi, Analisis dan Pemodelan II (SAAM II) V2.1 digunakan bagi mereka bentuk model dengan lebih mudah, mensimulasi uji kaji dengan cepat dan menganalisis data secara tepat. Berdasarkan input uji kaji dan parameter kadar pemindahan pecahan yang dimasukkan ke dalam model gastro-ruang, lengkungan kepekatan kadmium terhadap profil masa telah dilakarkan sebagai output model. Lengkungan menunjukkan kepekatan kadmium dalam kedua-dua cecair gastrik dan gastrousus dimulai dengan fasa penyerapan (jam pertama) dan diikuti dengan proses pengedaran (jam kedua hingga ketiga) dan perkumuhan (jam ketiga hingga kelima). Kepekatan kadmium yang diperoleh daripada struktur model simulasi adalah selari dengan lengkungan suaian model anggaran dengan ujian statistik t-test yang dijalankan menunjukkan nilai tersebut tidak mempunyai perbezaan yang signifikan. Oleh itu, pendekatan pemodelan dengan perisian SAAM II dapat memberikan anggaran yang realistik dan lebih baik bagi proses pelarutan kadmium ke dalam saluran penghadaman manusia.


Kata kunci: in vitro DIN; kadmium; kompartmen; model; SAAM II




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