Bengkel Semakan dan Pembetulan Manuskrip Buku Al-Quran dan Sunnah Teras Peradaban Islam

Bengkel Semakan dan Pembetulan Manuskrip Buku Al-Quran dan Sunnah Teras Peradaban Islam orĀ Workshop on Review and Correction of the Manuscript of Quranic Books and the Sunnah of the Core of Islamic Civilization was held on 14th June 2019 in the main meeting room at Institute of Islam Hadhari. This workshop is lead by Dr Shamsul, our fellow in IIH and the workshop run smoothly. Alhamdulillah.

This workshop is very crucial for postgraduate student who’s topic is related to Quranic books and the Sunnah. So if you are lloking for a supervisor regarding or related to this topic, you can visit us at UKM or can call Dr Shamsul for consultation because he is the best at this course.